Thursday February 27th Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes

Thursday February 27th.


-Opened the meeting and established a quorum. S. Ford, C. Pert and B. Duffy present. Also, in attendance; D. Ford. L. Dow and R. Colburn online.

-Reviewed and signed Treasurer’s warrant

-Read and approved minutes from 2/19 meeting- Motion and 2nd to accept as written. 3-0 approved.



Duane received repeat correspondence which he had received and answered on or about 2/12/25. Riley Eaton (Ghetto) called about getting a copy of building permit for Byard Point Rd, new construction. Peter Starr newly of 32 Osprey Point rd. inquired about permit info for property. Duane received request to go to Domingo residence for Snow’s plumbing.



  1. Vote on and sign Town Meeting Warrant- Final overview of the Town Meeting Warrant. Motion and 2nd to accept. 3-0 approved.
  2. Town Meeting Overview- Town report has gone to print. Will be available on or before 3/7. Susan, Lyndsey and Cindy will discuss a cleanup day. Cindy has already started transitioning important information over where necessary.


  1. TRIO Upgrade- Susan and Lyndsey will be attending a quick webinar training for the trio upgrade set to go live later on this month. Training will take place Friday 2/28 @ 1:00pm after the office closes.
  2. Comp Plan Draft- Jerry has sent around link and password for folks to review the Comp plan draft and has submitted to an advisory for final review. He would like to set up an informational meeting April and special town meeting for final approval in June.



Motioned and 2nd to adjourn. Approved 3-0 @6:10pm


Respectfully Submitted,

Lyndsey Dow