Selectmen’s Minutes, Tues., Mar. 4, 2008
Town of Sedgwick Maine
Selectmen’s Meeting
March 4, 2008 Tuesday 3:30PM
Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger and Tom O'Connor. Other Participants: Selectman’s assistant, Barbara Grindle.
- Approved the minutes of the February 28, 2008 selectmen’s meeting.
- The town has received the preliminary school subsidy numbers from the State. Those figures indicated a $200,000 reduction. Selectmen will meet with Superintendent of Schools, Bob Webster to discuss options.
- Selectmen approved an expenditure of up to $2000 to begin survey and research work on the Rope Ferry Rd. access to the Bagaduce River.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:15PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Tom O'Connor Third Selectman