Selectmen’s Minutes Tues. 12/19/2006
Town of Sedgwick Maine
Selectmen’s Meeting
December 19, 2006
Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Charlie Wiggins and Tom O'Connor. Other participants: Linda Long, Bill Grant, Assessor Roger Peppard and Adm. Asst. Barbara Grindle.
Approved the minutes of the December 14. 2006 Selectmen’s meeting.
2 Linda Long discussed the budget needs for the Town House for the coming budget. She states that a thorough inspection is needed of the building to check for structural and insect problems. She has obtained a figure of $1,000 to complete the work. Selectmen will discuss the matter with the budget committee.
3 Harbor Master Bill Grant discussed needed work at the town’s landing. It was agreed to leave his budget at $1,500 as there is money left over in the account from previous years.
4 Selectmen reviewed and refined letters which are been sent to abutters of the town property on Walker Pond. The purpose of the communication is to ascertain if there is a consensus concerning our attempts to obtain a right of way.
5 Selectmen also reviewed and refined a survey that is to be sent to all town residents concerning their thoughts on the Walker Pond issue.
6 A discussion was held concerning the Department of Transportations failure to install a culvert on Grey Town Road. They were contacted several months ago in order to have the culvert in before the cold weather arrived. The purpose was to avoid water build up on that road at the intersection of Walter Green Rd. The DOT now states they can not install the culvert until next spring. That date is unacceptable to Selectmen but our options are limited at this point in time. The meeting was adjourned at 5:15PM
Respectfully submitted,
Tom O'Connor, Third Selectman