Selectmen’s minutes, Thursday, 11/2/06
Town of Sedgwick Maine
Selectman’s Meeting
Thursday, November 2, 2006
Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Charlie Wiggins and Tom O’Connor
Other participants: fire chief David Carter, adm. ass't. Barbara Grindle and town clerk Cindy Reilly
1. Approved the minutes of the October 31, 2006, selectmen’s meeting.
2. Accepted the bid from Jay Peterson for the sign for the new fire station. Mr. Peterson’s proposal was favored over other bids by members of the fire department committee. The cost of the new sign will be $1,550.00.
3. Reviewed and signed the treasurer’s warrant (#18) in the amount of $71,971.15. $63,154.31 of that amount was for school expenses.
4. Approved a contract with Teena Brown of Webworks, Deer Isle, for the development and maintenance of a web site for the town. The cost will be $350.00 plus a monthly fee. The test site can be found at
5. Selectmen approved leasing a loader for the salt and sand pile. This piece of equipment is needed to load salt and sand into the plow trucks. Selectman Grindal will negotiate the best price from the leasing companies.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Tom O'Connor
Third Selectman