Selectmen’s Minutes, Thurs., Sept. 6, 2007

Town of Sedgwick Maine

Selectmen’s Meeting

September 6, 2007

Thursday  6:30PM   

Selectmen present:  Chairman Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger and Tom O'Connor. Other participants:  Selectmen’s assistant Barbara Grindle and Town Clerk Cindy Reilly. 

  1. Approved the minutes of the September 4, 2007 selectmen’s meeting.


  1. Approved the treasurer’s warrant (#10) in the amount of $232,629.02.  $52,116.20 of that amount was for school expenses.  $81,000 was for the town’s county tax and $53,000 was for paving.


  1. Approved an abatement for James and Cheryl Gross in the amount of $1,304.00 to rectify a billing error.  They were billed for property they did not own.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:30PM   

Respectfully submitted,   

Tom O'Connor  Selectman