Selectmen’s Minutes, Thurs., Jul. 12, 2007
Town of Sedgwick Maine
Selectmen’s Meeting
July 12, 2007 Thursday 6:30PM
Selectmen present: Chairman, Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger and Tom O'Connor. Other participants: Town clerk Cindy Reilly, Selectmen’s assistant Barbara Grindle and Road commissioner Paul Carter.
- Approved the minutes of the July 10, 2007 selectmen’s meeting.
- Reviewed and approved the Treasurers warrant (#2) in the amount of $93,752.09. $82,394.40 of that amount was for school expenses.
- Selectmen signed an agreement with Lane Construction to pave roads in town.
- Paul Carter discussed the final plans for paving town roads this summer.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:10PM.
Respectfully submitted, Tom O'Connor Third Selectman