Selectmen’s Minutes, September 19, 2013

September 19, 2013

1) Opened the meeting at 6 pm and established a quorum.
Selectmen present:  Neil Davis, Victor Smith
Also present:  Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Road Commissioner Paul Carter, Fire Chief David Carter, CEO Duane Ford, Assistant Barbara Grindle, Robert Jones.
2) Read and approved the minutes of the last meeting.

3) Signed the treasurer’s warrant for $95,974.00; the school expenses were $84,507.58, legal expenses for $2,638.83 and fire department expenses on the transmission for one of the trucks 43,662.96.

4) The Fire Chief reported that G.M. Allen might be interested in purchasing the small lot on Polka Valley owned by the town.

5) OLD BUSINESS: No information from the computer guy.
Haskell Electric has not been in to work on the electricity.  
Still trying to get together with the office crew.
The town dock is waiting for grant money.
The tax assessor from RJD will be in tomorrow (Friday) to start work.
A taxpayer wants a break-down of his taxes.  He was called to let him know that the assessor will be in tomorrow.

6) NEW BUSINESS: The treasurer was given permission to purchase a new adding machine for the tax collector and have the typewriters repaired for the clerk.

7) CEO report:  Premium Choice has put a receiver on the cell tower on Caterpillar Hill.  The new ordinance needs to be adjusted already.  CEO will follow up on the permitting process and will keep notes on adjustments to the ordinance. 

8) Public comments:  There were no public comments.

9) There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7 PM.

Victor Smith, 3rd Selectman