Selectmen’s Minutes, October 29, 2015
October 29, 2015
Opened the meeting and declared a quorum present. Selectmen present: Ben Astbury, Neil Davis, Nelson Grindal. Also present: Bob and Barbara Comerford, Jim and Dot Carey, Robert Jones, Bob Publicover, Victor Smith, Gardner Schneider, Road Commissioner Paul Carter, CEO Duane Ford, Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Tax Collector Belinda Rooney, Assistant Barbara Grindle.
Read and approved the minutes of the last meeting.
Reviewed and signed the treasurer’s warrant for $93,875.95; expenses included education for $90,552.77, property tax overpay totaling $499.32, state fees for Concealed Weapons Permits $220, general assistance $210.92.
TAX COLLECTOR/TREASURER BUSINESS: Both will be at meetings on Thursday, November 5. Their office will be closed on that day.
Harbor Committee meeting Thursday,11/5, at 5 pm. Grindal will meet with engineer Andrew McCullough to start work on approval and permitting of the drafted plans. Moved, seconded and voted 3-0 to accept the grant money and pay McCullough’s fees out of it.
OLD BUSINESS: Davis explained that we are in the same position as previously described with the permits and licenses issued by the state. Brent Lawson of the State Plumbing office has taken the position that their septic system is invalid for the brewery. It needs to be updated, and the town is responsible to get the LPI and soil evaluator to check the system and if it is not corrected they must shut the system down. CEO confirmed that this is the information he received at the class he attended last Tuesday. There must be a new soil evaluation and new design or be shut down. There will be penalties for the town if the situation is not dealt with. It was moved and seconded to get the plumbing inspector to get Bill Lebelle to contact the Strongs and see what can be done with the system. There are no restrictions being set by the selectmen; the LPI and soil evaluator are to make all decisions regarding the system.
NEW BUSINESS: There is an overage in the school budget. The line item running over will use up the surplus plus $24,782. There needs to be a special town meeting to take money out of the town surplus. Grindal will check with the superintendent to set a date for the meeting.
The hearse house at the Historical Society premises needs to be shingled and a special town meeting will need to be held to get the funds for it. The hearse house and the hearses in it are owned by the town and the town is responsible for the upkeep of them.
Licensed Plumbing Inspector (LPI) Lewis Hutchins has resigned effective November 6, 2015. Need to check with state inspector to see if the position has to go out to bid, or can be assigned.
Road Commissioner reported that there was very little damage to the roads in this last storm.
CEO REPORT: Has been attending classes this week and last and will continue to do so as they are available. There seem to be several properties sold and the owners are checking with him about various projects. TJW’s Tobey Woodward checked about clearing some trees and stumps at Walker Pond.
ADJOURN: There being no further business, it was moved, seconded and voted 3-0 to adjourn at 7:02 pm.
Ben Astbury, Selectman