Selectmen’s Minutes, November 5, 2020



November 5, 2020


Opened the meeting and declared a quorum present.  Selectmen present:  Ben Astbury, (by phone Bob Publicover, Michael Sheahan).  Also present:  CEO Duane Ford, Clerk/treasurer Cindy Reilly, Assistant Barbara Grindle (by phone Jerry Wetterskog, Jeffrey Roth, Fire Chief David Carter, Superintendent of Schools Chris Elkington).


There being no errors or omissions in the records of the last meeting, moved, seconded and roll call voted 3-0 to accept them as written.


Reviewed and signed the treasurer’s warrant for $48,788.90; clearing, m/v $1,471.50, clearing i/f $303.50, clearing a/w $28, clearing h/f $52, plumbing $377.50, administration salaries $7,733.35 taxes $691.07, ballot clerks $1,746, misc. $965.43, general assistance $1,054.07, fees $256, property tax overpay $323.80, sludge $120, fire protection $666.67, Snow $33,000.


CEO REPORT:  Received an application for a dock on Silvermine Road, need permission from landowner to visit site; tree removal questions for shoreland on Harding Lane, recommended shoreland ordinance re hazard tree removal and replacement, their dock was permitted for repairs but more was done, contractor needs to follow permit restrictions since they wish to build a new home eventually; fence being constructed at junkyard on Sedgwick Ridge; road to be built toward Black’s Pond, recommended DEP visit, building notification for a new structure on Black’s Pond; application for another building on Black’s Pond, building notifications for two places with repairs and renovations.  Planning Board meeting probably busy Tuesday.


FIRE CHIEF UPDATE:  Burning permits are online only, visit maine open burning site for directions.  Probably not doing much training this winter because of COVID.  Must wear masks while on the department property and on scene if possible.

Voting at the station went well, a lot of people voted that had never been in the building before, had 120 smoke alarms to distribute and ran out of them early.  Selectmen thanked fire chief for the use of the building and the help – everything went well.


DISCUSSION ITEMS:  Superintendent – School Budget Discussion – Elkington had no written report this week, had informed selectmen in May that the school board had authorized a reduction in expenses from the March budget, had not been officially voted on.  Did selectmen want to hold them to those figures or could they go with the approved budget and anything not used go into surplus.  Surplus could help next year to try for a 0% increase.  Federal help has helped cover many expenses that were budgeted for, helping with the surplus funds.  Selectmen agreed that the board should stay as close to the  proposed reduction as possible.

Budget Committee Staffing Discussion – Don Buckingham sending his resignation from the committee, haven’t heard decision from Horace Wardwell, all others have agreed to serve.  Susan Ford had indicated interest in serving, selectmen voted to have Susan Ford replace Don Buckingham on the Budget Committee.  Many thanks to Don for his vital service.

Election Re-cap – Many, many thanks go out to the ballot clerks, warden, selectmen, helpers and clerk/treasurer/registrar Cindy for a job well done.  The snow proved that the station was a good place to have held the election.  Registrar reported 1111 registered voters in town, 383 absentee ballots and 468 voters for a total of 851 votes.

Any Unresolved Business – Astbury reminded others about the Blue Hill/Surry transfer station meeting on Tuesday at 4 p.m.  The 3-town committee has been invited to attend.  Credentials are on their website.

Discussed the contract with RJD Assessors, the rate will go up from $585 to $600 per day.


ACTION ITEMS: Budget Committee Appointment – Appointed Susan Ford to the Budget Committee, roll call vote 3-0.


ASSISTANT’S REPORT:  Tree Growth report is ready to mail.


PUBLIC COMMENTS:  Gary Schneider – grateful for everything the selectmen do for the town; improvement on the town dock, and a wider road especially.

Chris diPretoro – Make sure that the snow plower knows to plow outside of the gardens, and also not to plow all the way to the end of the Carter Point Access.  Thinks Susan Ford appointment is great choice.

Everyone on the conference call – The new system is much better, can hear clearer and better.


ADJOURN:  There being no further business, moved, seconded and roll call voted  3-0 to adjourn the meeting at 7:07 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Grindle, Assistant