Selectmen’s Minutes, November 5, 2015



November 5, 2015


Opened the meeting and declared a quorum present.  Selectmen present:  Ben Astbury, Neil Davis, Nelson Grindal.  Also present:  Robert Jones, Jim and Dorothy Carey, CEO Duane Ford, Assistant Barbara Grindle.

Read and approved minutes of the last meeting with one adjustment in the numbers for the school overage.

Reviewed and signed the treasurer’s warrant for $45,269.68; salaries for staff, including taxes, 9,143.54, pay for ballot clerks, $516, first installment on snow plowing, $ 31,487.41, general assistance $340.99, and property tax overpay, $722.84 accounted for most expenses.

OLD BUSINESS:  Town Dock – The Harbor Committee met and discussed the grant.  Grindal will keep working with the engineer and will report back to the Committee at their meeting on December 3.  The contract with the state has been signed and Jenn Paul will be assigned to the project to work with the committee and selectmen.

The school shortfall will require a special town meeting.  Grindal spoke to the Superintendent and he stated that it should not wait for the March town meeting.  Davis moved to have a special town meeting in early December. It was decided to hold the meeting  December 3 at the Town Office at 7 pm.  A second item on the agenda for the special town meeting will be funding for shingling the Hearse House.  Both items will need to be taken from surplus if approved.

PUBLIC BUSINESS:  Saralynn Byard came in to talk about her abatement request because her questions were not answered.  They have been paying personal property taxes on equipment and she wanted to know what pieces of equipment they were.  Copies were taken of her paperwork and Davis motioned to review them with the tax collector and assessor and have an answer for her next week.

Another request for an abatement was put in the box for the Assessor’s review.

Strong Brewing Co.:  The Careys were inquiring about the letter sent to the LPI requesting a soil evaluation and review of the septic system.  Hutchins is on vacation and his resignation is effective as of Nov. 6.  Mrs. Carey insists that the system is still illegal and wondered why a stop has not been placed on activities at the brewery.  He will report the results to the rest of the neighbors.

CEO REPORT:  Ford updated the board on the state Shoreland Zoning Ordinance and will follow up with the state so that the town can have any changes for the Town Report in March.  Busy keeping up with classes and questions from taxpayers.

NEW BUSINESS:  Moved, seconded, and voted 3-0 to accept the resignation of Lew Hutchins as Licensed Plumbing Inspector effective November 6, 2015.

Moved by Grindal and seconded by Davis, voted 3-0 to appoint Duane Ford as temporary LPI with the expectation that he will take the classes and tests for licensing.  He may decide later if he wishes to be full time.   Ford is willing to be temporary LPI because he feels that he is up-to-date in the controversy with the Strong Brewery and can keep it moving forward.  He is willing to work with them to see what can be done to fix and/or repair their system to handle the brewery waste.

ADJOURN:  There being no further business, the motion was made, seconded and voted 3-0 to adjourn.  The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 pm.


Ben Astbury, Selectman