Selectmen’s Minutes, November 21, 2013
November 21, 2013
Opened the meeting and established a quorum: selectmen present: Neil Davis, Nelson Grindal, Victor Smith. Also present: CEO Duane Ford, Robert Jones, Assistant Barbara Grindle.
Read and approved the minutes of the last meeting.
Signed the treasurer’s warrant for $15,173.08; general assistance $786.51, snow $12,600.
Tax Collector and treasurer asked for a repair on their toilet, selectmen voted to replace the kindergarten-height toilet for a full sized one. Treasurer authorized to take a vital records course through the state.
OLD BUSINESS: Computer system: Davis has set up a meeting with Steve Brown and S.J. Rollins to discuss integrated computer systems.
Haskell Electric: still waiting for the lights.
Reassessment: RJD has our tax cards and are working on them. We need to check with the agent on a piece of property to see if it has been evaluated recently.
Polka Valley property discussion on hold for a short while.
Cellar, etc.: working on getting the floor done in the cellar, drains from the cellar. Wooden braces need to be replaced with jackposts.
Handicap parking lot: Road commissioner has started work expanding the parking space for 4 vehicles with a turn-around.
NEW BUSINESS: Assistant to order new toilet for the other office.
Schoolboard provided a notebook for the treasurer to keep original, current school warrants in.
CEO report: CEO Ford make note that HE is in control of the Walker Pond waterfront property as CEO of the Town of Sedgwick as referenced in removal of trees, cleaning shoreland, etc., not private persons or organizations. Asked about possible tax club situation for paying taxes monthly or quarterly on the upcoming tax bill. Also noted that the building notification form needs updating, as an ordinance it must be voted on at town meeting. Planning Board to meet to work on revisions of several ordinances.
No public comments.
Adjourned at 6:55 pm.
Victor Smith, 3rd selectman