Selectmen’s Minutes, March 17, 2016



March 17, 2016


Opened the meeting and declared a quorum present.  Selectmen present:  Ben Astbury, Neil Davis, Colby Pert.  Also present:  Roger Picard, Marti Brill, Bob Publicover, Robert Jones, Road Commissioner Paul Carter, CEO Duane Ford, Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Assistant Barbara Grindle.


Read and voted 3-0 to approve the minutes of the last meeting.


Reviewed and signed the treasurer’s warrant for $67,270.48; education for $58,427.93, road expenses for $6,360.75, general assistance $656, fire department expenses of $855.40 and administration expenses of $249.24.


OLD BUSINESS:  Pert moved to have CEO Duane Ford to be liaison between the Harbor Committee (Marine Resources), Harbormaster Bill Grant, and Engineer Andrew McCullough.  He has met with the engineer and he will continue on with the project.  Pert also moved to have Cynthia Reilly, town treasurer, named administrator of the project.  The motions were seconded and voted 3-0 to name Duane Ford liaison and Cindy Reilly administrator of the project.  The town will be moving on with the project.

The Planning Board is still tightening up the Site Plan Ordinance changes.  Will get them to assistant soon so selectmen can review them before having a public hearing on them.


NEW BUSINESS:  A taxpayer expressed concern over his tax assessment, Astbury advised him to write a letter to the assessing agent, assistant to call assessing agent to come in as soon as his schedule permits.

Roger Picard and Road Commissioner Carter discussed Picard’s contract and the tarring for this summer.  Tar should be a little less expensive this year because of the oil prices, tarring the Hale’s Hill Road and Polka Valley Road should be possible and would keep the town up to date in the 10-year projected plan.  Moved, seconded and voted 3-0 to sign Ricard’s contract.

Selectmen discussed waste disposal issue.  Astbury will continue to work with the Blue Hill selectmen to make sure that Sedgwick’s input is heard.

Marti Brill, school board member, updated selectmen on options for the rest of this year and next year’s pre-k.  She also discussed the possibility of maintaining local control and money saving options.  Selectmen posed questions, discussed possibilities, including private monies that may be available, specifically development of an education revocable trust.  Also discussed a need for more and better communication between the school board and the selectmen.

A new stop sign and a stop ahead sign have been installed on Old County Road corner.

Astbury also spoke with Road Commissioner about a “widowmaker’ tree that was mentioned at town meeting.  He will take care of the tree.


CEO REPORT:  He expressed concerns about a new project on Caterpillar Hill Road.  Also updated selectmen on the progress at the town dock.


ADJOURN:  There being no further business, it was moved, seconded and voted 3-0 to adjourn the meeting at 7:25 pm.

Ben Astbury, Selectman