Selectmen’s Minutes, January 30, 2014



January 30, 2104


Opened the meeting and established a quorum at 6 pm.  Selectmen present were Neil Davis, and Victor Smith.  Also present were Packet reporter Bette Britt, Superintendent Mark Jenkins, School Board members Susan Ford and Clare Grindal, CEO Duane Ford, Budget Committee members Horace Wardwell and Paul Trowbridge, Robert Jones, Douglas Drown, Assistant Barbara Grindle.


Read and approved the minutes of the last meeting.


Signed the Treasurer’s warrant for $11,614.19; $8,300 for RJD Assessors and abatements accounted for most of the bills.


PUBLIC BUSINESS:  Drown asked about warming centers in town in case of another ice storm or extended power outage.  A public meeting in Deer Isle has been held and it was discovered that neither Stonington Manor or Deer Run Apartments have back-up plans for the elderly people living there.  The selectmen mentioned some places that could be used, but suggested a meeting with the Emergency management officer and others to implement plans for the area.


OLD BUSINESS:  The computers are in and we have some hours left in which to iron out any problems that arise with use. 

               Dr. Desilvey is working on a grant for the town dock.  They need an estimate by a contractor for figures for the grant.  Andrew McCullough, engineer for the Walker Pond project, will also be asked to look at the dock to see if it needs work.

               The assessment cards are back in the office.  806 places were visited.  The sales analysis is being done for value prices.  Work is continuing to be ready for revisits to incomplete properties and then valuations will be sent out and appointments will be set for those wanting explanation of their new valuations.

The light cages and stair railing still need to be done in the basement.  Our extension runs out on Feb. 17.

The ordinance changes recommended by the Planning Board need to be checked for legal wording to go in the town warrant.   See if the clerk will check with MMA for the language.


NEW BUSINESS:  Superintendent Jenkins presented the new school budget which is down by 2.99% from last year.  The budget committee and the selectmen went over the figures and complimented Supt. Jenkins and the school board for a job well done.

               The selectmen and the budget committee also went over the municipal budget, which is also down from last year.  The charitable contributions are up from last year.


CEO REPORT:  Ford is check out the building notifications especially on projects with new construction.  The Hunneman property has had a barn torn down and are expecting to raise a building to house two old vehicles. 


               There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:50 pm.

Victor Smith, 3rd Selectman