Selectmen’s Minutes, January 16, 2014
January 16, 2014
Opened the meeting and established a quorum. Selectmen present were Neil Davis, Nelson Grindal, Victor Smith. Also present were CEO Duane Ford, Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Reporter Bette Britt, Assistant Barbara Grindle, Robert Jones.
Read and approved the minutes from last meeting.
Signed the treasurer’s warrant for $14,010.66; including $1,914.41 salt for the roads, $520 computer services from Steve’s Computer Service, and $7,130 Andy Gray Foundations for work on the cellar.
OLD BUSINESS: The computer system is in and being tweaked for the new DSL system.
Grindal will call Haskell Electric again. We need an outside security light at the handicap entrance. There are still things that need to be updated for the Dept. of Labor (DOL) inspection. We only have a short time left on our second extension.
The Town Clerk needs a scanner. The old one won’t work with the new computer. Moved and seconded to have Steve Brown get one for her. Voted 3-0 for the scanner.
The reassessment is about half finished. The assessing agents are updating the tax cards at their office. The new cards will have all assessing figures, diagrams and photos of the buildings for each property in Sedgwick (and Sargentville).
The cellar needs handrails for the stairs and cages around the lights to meet DOL regulations.
The Town Report is coming along. Two quotes were received for 650 copies: One for $2,401.16 and the second for $729.71 plus $77.26 for covers. Assistant will make sure all material is camera ready and will put it on a disc as well as hard copy for the chosen company. Anything over 100 pages will be extra, and anything they have to do will be done at $70 per hour. The motion was made and seconded to approve the second bid for the town report. Voted 3-0 for the lower bid.
NEW BUSINESS: Authorized the debit card to be used for a general assistance prescription purchase at Rite Aid.
Worked on the municipal budget to get ready for a budget meeting next week. The school budget should be ready next week also.
CEO REPORT: Ordinance changes are final to the selectmen. The comprehensive plan, passed in 1993, needs to be reviewed.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8 pm.
Victor Smith, 3rd Selectman