Selectmen’s Minutes, Jan. 28, 2010




January 21, 2010


Selectmen present:  Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger, Victor Smith


Also present:  Robert Webster, Clare Grindal, Michael Sheehan, Angela Grindal, Michele Levesque, (School Board), Steve Tobey, Paul Trowbridge, Horace Wardwell (Budget Com.) Mia Strong, John Miller, Rick Decker, (Peninsula Power), Clint Trowbridge, Bette Britt (Packet reporter), Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Assistant Barbara Grindle.


1)                  Minutes of the last meetings read and approved.


2)                  Communication received from Axion Wireless Communication requesting the to apply for a grant to supply the town with high speed internet.


3)                  School budget presented to selectmen and budget committee by Mr Webster and the School Board.  Total for the budget was $1,864,939, a raise of 6.63%.  The largest reasons for the raise was 1.   a $30,000 reserve for high school tuition and 2.   reinstatement of the Guidance Counselor position.  The present 7th grade is very large and the $30,000 is half of the expected high school tuition for them.


4)                  Paul Trowbridge and several people from Peninsula Power presented information on the Caterpillar Hill wind tower/anemometer project.  Selectmen will sign the contract with UMO, and send Mr Gianinnoto’s lease to MMA and have it checked for liability for the town.


5)                  Clint Trowbridge wanted the selectmen to add an article to the town meeting warrant requesting the unused portion of the General Assistant account be donated to the Tree of Life food pantry.  The selectmen explained that the deadline for warrant articles had passed; they have no legal way to donate money from a designated account without permission from the townspeople; and that it would be a better idea for the Tree of Life to send a letter to the town next year asking for a specific amount of money just as all other organizations wishing money have to do.


6)                  The selectmen will meet Tuesday, Jan. 26, at 3:30 pm to work on the warrant and budget for the town report.


Meeting adjourned at 9:20 pm.


                                    Victor Smith,

                                    3rd Selectman