Selectmen’s Minutes Jan. 25, 2007
Town of Sedgwick Maine
Selectmen’s meeting
January 25, 2007 Thursday 6:30PM
Selectmen present: Nelson Grindal, Charlie Wiggins and Tom O'Connor. Other participants: John Bannister and Ellie Carlisle of the Blue Hill/Surry transfer station committee. Clint Trowbridge, Town clerk Cindy Reilly, Tax collector Belinda Pert, Barbara Grindle and Animal control officer Robert Gross.
1. Approved the minutes of the January 23, 2007 selectmen’s meeting.
2. John Bannister and Ellie Carlisle presented the details of the pending Transfer station contract. They also explained the new formula which will be used to determine the coast to each participating town. Basically the formula combines the most recent census data with the number of buildings in town. The towns of Blue Hill and Surry receive a 20% discount over the other sending towns. This represents a decrease of their discount in the current contract. A great deal of discussion centered on the costs of closing the landfill portion of the operation. Mr. Banister stated that it is the intent of the committee to have the money set aside from fees charged over the years but that all of the towns will be responsible for any short fall. Another point of contention was that the committee could change the terms of the agreement unilaterally. Selectmen Grindal suggested that any changes to the agreement be applied equally to all towns. Mr. Bannister and Ms. Carlisle agreed to this notion and it will be added to a letter of intent which is being prepared to address some of the questions of other towns.
3. Approved the treasures warrant (#30) in the amount of $87,012.67, $69,299.83of that amount was for school expenses.
4. Selectmen voted 3 to 0 to amend the salary of the animal control officer by $500. This money is to cover associated expenses which he incurs and is currently billing other towns for separately. These costs are associated with additional mandates placed on him by the State.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:05PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Tom O'Connor, Third Selectman