Selectmen’s Minutes, December 5, 2013
December 5, 2013
Opened the meeting at 6 pm and established that a quorum was present:
Selectmen present were Neil Davis, Nelson Grindal, Victor Smith.
Also present were: Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Assistant Barbara Grindle.
Read and approved the minutes of the last meeting.
Signed the treasurer’s warrant for $11,093.82; salaries accounted
for $7,066.70, taxes on salaries, $551.16, general assistance, $729.
OLD BUSINESS: The experts are working on the prospective computer
Tax Collector reported that the TRIO system for doing car registrations
would be $7,868, including training time. She will be asked to describe
how it will benefit the town financially.
The Marine Resources Committee (Harbor Committee) has a proposal
for marking the town line through the River. It will be presented to the
Brooklin selectmen for discussion. If approved, there will be an article in
the town report.
RJD Assessors are still working on the tax cards, updating the information,
adding photos where needed and putting the information in the computers.
NEW BUSINESS:Assistant will be starting the Town Report. Letters will
be sent to those submitting reports. Town Meeting is March 7 and 8. If anyone has suggestions for special dedications, please call or write the town office at PO Box 40. The budget committee will be asked to meet each Thursday in January. Treasurer to get bids for printing the report.
CEO not present.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:50 pm.
Victor Smith, 3rd Selectman