Selectmen’s Minutes, December 22, 2011




December 22, 2011


Selectmen present:  Neil Davis, Colby Pert, Victor Smith


Also present:  Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Tax Collector Belinda Pert, Assistant Barbara Grindle.

            At the bid opening at 3 pm, there were six bidding contractor representatives, Engineer Andrew McCullough, DOC representative Thomas Linscott, and Nelson Grindal.

            At the 5:30 pm meeting, the three selectmen from Brooksville, Darrell Fowler, Richard Bakeman and John Gray were present for discussion of the bids for the second portion of the Walker Pond Access road, also present were Jon and Jane Thomas from the Weekly Packet.


1)         The 3 pm meeting was for the opening of bids for the second phase of the Walker Pond Access Road.  Repairing the road where there was a washout had been added to the bid packages.


Bids received:    Farley & Son, Inc.                 $465,460

                        Doug Gott & Sons, Inc.           $337,681

                        Ken Dougas                             $248,463

                        Mike Astbury                           $184,060

                        Harold MacQuinn, Inc.             $231,438

                        Webb Excavation, LLC            $231,000

                        John Goodwin, Jr.                    $398,425

                        R.F. Jordan & Sons                  $283,769        


2)         At the 5:30 pm meeting with the Brooksville selectmen, the vote was

6-0 to accept the bid from M.E. Astbury for $184,060, pending written commitment from George Powell, administrator of the state grant.


3)         At the regular meeting at 6 pm, the minutes of the last meeting were read and accepted.


4)         The treasurer’s warrant for $3,328.92 was signed.


There being no further business, the 6 pm meeting was adjourned at 6:05 pm.  Birthday cake and Christmas goodies were enjoyed by everyone present at all meetings.


                                    Victor Smith, 3rd selectman