Selectmen’s Minutes, December 18, 2014



December 18, 2014


            Opened the meeting and declared a quorum present.  Selectmen present:  Neil Davis, Nelson Grindal, Victor Smith.  Also present:  Road Commissioner Paul Carter, CEO Duane Ford, Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Tax Collector Pat Gross, Assistant Barbara Grindle, Robert Jones.


            Read and approved the minutes of the last meeting.


            Signed the treasurer’s warrant for $17,349.49.  $1,880 was the November storm clean-up, General Assistance, $1,402.85, salt for the roads $3,816.94, plumbing payments for the inspector and state, $1,285, insurance from MMA (Maine Municipal Association) was $5740.50.


            OLD BUSINESS:  John Dunbar was in with the revised amendment to the Harbor Ordinance.  The selectmen revised the first paragraph again, and will now send it to be written in warrant article form for the annual report.


NEW BUSINESS:  Robert Comerford agreed to serve on the budget committee, was appointed and was sworn in by the town clerk today, December 18, 2014.

Decided to start work on the town budget next week, hoping to get the budget committee together Thursdays for the month of January to review all budget requests.

Moved, seconded and voted 3-0 to enter the Peninsula Ambulance as a town warrant article instead of a donation request.

Selectmen’s meeting for the holiday season will be Tuesdays instead of the regular Thursdays:

Tuesday, December 23 at 6 pm, and Tuesday, December 30 at 6 pm.


            CEO REPORT:  The resident at Salt Pond is marking the property line between his property and the adjacent one.  We have a 23 foot right of way on the road to the Salt Pond.

            Checking shoreland and storm damages, building notifications are being followed up.


            PUBLIC COMMENT:  Jones hopes that we are keeping an eye on the road to Walker Pond regarding the Caterpillar Hill Initiative work to be done.


            ADJOURN:  There being no further business, it was moved, seconded and voted 3-0 to adjourn at 7:20 pm.


                                                Victor Smith, Selectman