Selectmen’s Minutes, Dec. 17, 2009




December 17, 2009


Selectmen present:  Nelson Grindal, Bill Jagger, Victor Smith.  Also present:  Treasurer Cindy Reilly and Assistant Barbara Grindle.


1)                  Meeting opened at 6:30 pm.


2)                  Minutes of the last meeting read and approved.


3)                  Selectmen signed a letter for Andrew McCullough to apply for permits and the grant for the Walker Pond road.


4)                  Discussed the wind tower project and insurance for them and the landowner.


5)                  Received a letter from Jim Dow, Executive Director for Blue Hill Heritage Trust, reporting that it was time to put this long-standing issue behind us as it is essential to have access to Walker Pond.  They will not be asking for more money for damages, but did ask to have the road marked as soon as possible.


6)                  Received a notice for an application for renewal of aquaculture lease on the Bagaduce River for Jesse Leach.


7)                  Signed Treasurer’s warrant for $7,212.24.


Adjourned the meeting at 8 pm.


                                                            Victor Smith,

                                                            3rd Selectman