Selectmen’s Minutes, August 30, 2012



August 30, 2012


Selectmen present:  Colby Pert, Victor Smith


Also present:  Julie Davis, Tax Collector Belinda Pert, Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Assistant Barbara Grindle


1)         Minutes of the last meeting read and accepted.


2)         Signed Treasurer’s warrant for $3,804.27; $2237.38 was out of the Walker Pond Access account.


3)         Came out of executive session at 6 pm.


4)         Davis expressed her displeasure with the way the selectmen have been treated in respect to the 4 Winds/Patten issue.  Selectman Davis is doing better after having 3 stents planted.  The heart attack would have happened at some time, but the stress of the meetings may have precipitated it at this time.


5)         The Sargentville Library wishes to put a link on our website, and the webmaster will see that it is done.  Look for it.


6)         A concerned citizen has donated the rest of the money to pay for Ollie’s surgery.  Ollie was hit by a car last fall and has lost a leg as a result.


7)         A complaint about dogs running loose and possibly threatening some goats has come to the attention of the selectmen.  These dogs age a continuing problem.  The ACO was unavailable, the game warden was unavailable, the police were contacted and arrived to handle the situation.


8)         Selectmen entered executive session at 6:15 and returned at 6:30 after discussion of Wednesday’s meeting.


9)         Posted an advertisement in the Packet, the Ellsworth American, MMA job site, and on our website for a CEO.


10)       Notified Assessing Agent Caldwell of some abatements that need to be addressed.


            There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:45 pm.


                        Victor Smith, 3rd Selectman