Selectmen’s Minutes, August 2, 2012
August 2, 2012
Selectmen present: Neil Davis, Colby Pert, Victor Smith
Also present: Nelson Grindal, Fred Marston, Steve Tobey, MaryEllen Ashman, Danny Weed, John Randolph, Charlie Wiggins, Brian Adams, Peter Neill, Packet reporter Bette Britt, American reporter Jennifer Osborn, Animal Control Officer Debbie Ciomei, CEO Duane Ford, Tax Collector Belinda Pert, Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Assistant Barbara Grindle
1) Minutes of the last meeting read and accepted.
2) Signed Treasurer’s warrant for $12,438.87; $1500 for mowing sides of the roads, salaries $4,890.99 with FICA $399.34.
3) Assessing agent Matt Caldwell visited the Patten/4 Winds property and found no changes to the value of the property except the foundation work that had been done on Twister and Squall.
4) Appeals Board chair Marston and several members of the appeals board reiterated that those two buildings were more than 50% wasted when they were working on the appeal. Judge Cuddy upheld the decision of the Appeals Board in their denial of any repairs or renovations to the buildings. They felt, and still feel, that the buildings need to be torn down. They are not being used right now as far as anyone can determine.
5) Ashman asked the selectmen to see about clearing the triangle from Rt 15 Reach Road and the Steamboat Road of brush and trees. Selectmen will contact the road commissioner. Visibility coming from Steamboat Road is very poor.
6) The 6- month moratorium asked for by the Planning Board regarding cell tower applications must go to a town meeting to become legal.
Davis left the meeting at 6:45 to attend the Friends of Walker Pond meeting at which he was the principle speaker.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm.
Victor Smith, 3rd selectman