Selectmen’s Minutes, Aug. 13, 2015
August 13, 2015
Opened the meeting and established a quorum present. Selectmen present: Ben Astbury, Neil Davis, Nelson Grindal. Also present: Bob and Barbara Comerford, Jim and Dorothy Carey, Victor Smith, Robert Jones, Road Commissioner Paul Carter, Reporter Anne Berleant, CEO Duane Ford, Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Tax Collector Belinda Rooney, Assistant Barbara Grindle, members of the Harbor Committee Dennis DeSilvey, Bill Sweetland, Doug Wollmar.
Read and approved the minutes of the last meeting.
Reviewed and signed the treasurer’s warrant for $13,391.60; including renewal of the computer service contract from S.J. Rollins for $1,875, renewal of the copy machine service contract for $529.34, tarring materials $1,156.10, and an abatement of $1,664.41.
PUBLIC BUSINESS: CEO provided an update on the Strong Brewing issue. The Comerfords and the Carey’s expressed the concerns of the neighbors over the continuation of work on the parking area and the septic system. The Board agreed to look over the legal opinion just received from the town attorney and provide her with any additional information that she needs to make an informed opinion; she had not received the paperwork needed to have a complete overview of the issue. Photos have been sent, and the plumbing inspector has been involved. More information is needed before any action is taken.
The Strong’s have suspended the food and entertainment until the issues are resolved.
NEW BUSINESS: Received copies of the resignations of Planning Board members Richard Duffy and Barbara Grindle. Moved, seconded and voted 3-0 to accept the resignations. Grindal made the motion to appoint former planning board member and former selectman Victor Smith to replace Duffy. Moved and seconded and voted 3-0 to appoint Victor Smith to finish out Duffy’s term. A letter from Patricia Egan was received volunteering to serve on the board. Moved, seconded and voted 3-0 to appoint her as second alternate to replace Grindle.
Discussed a parcel of property that is owned jointly by 11 people, that is adjacent or part of a public access. Will meet early to compose a letter requesting them to sign their portion off to the town.
Assessor will value the properties and send supplemental tax bills.
It has been requested that agenda items to assistant on Wednesday to be put on the agenda for Thursday.
The chairman of the Planning Board has requested a tape recorder for their meetings.
CEO REPORT: Continuing to monitor landfill site. Also monitoring the Sanborn gravel pit. Someone from DEP needs to check on the activity being done there. Parts of the pit are within 250’ of the shore. No activity being noticed at Caterpillar Hill, checking a Walker Pond area property for hazardous trees, dealing with the Brewing Company issue.
ADJOURN: There being no further business, the motion was made, seconded and voted to adjourn the meeting at 7:24 pm.
Ben Astbury, Selectman