Selectmen’s Minutes, April 27, 2017

April 27, 2017

Opened the meeting and established a quorum at 6 p.m. Selectmen present: Ben Astbury, Colby Pert, Michael Sheahan. Also present: Bob Publicover, George Fields, CEO Duane Ford, Treasurer/clerk Cindy Reilly, Assistant Barbara Grindle.

There being no errors or omissions, selectmen moved, seconded and voted 3-0 to dispense with the reading of last week’s minutes and accept them as written.

Reviewed and signed the treasurer’s warrant for $130,320.02; school $120,905.84, auditor $2,145.50, general assistance $509.34, appraiser $540 were most of the bills.

PUBLIC BUSINESS: Fields, of Blue Hill Heritage Trust (BHHT), provided maps that picture the road to the Salt Pond as encroaching on BHHT portion of the land. A resurvey may need to be done to correct a couple of spots. BHHT was invited to the public hearing on the gift of land to the town. Mentioned that we will need to build steps for access to the shore.

OLD BUSINESS: Astbury to turn heat on at the Town House if needed tomorrow morning, Pert and Sheahan will provide coffee, everything ready for the voting and the public hearing afterward.

NEW BUSINESS: Thompson property bid package reviewed. Approximately 90 acres which could be divided into pieces if necessary. Will see how the bidding goes. The ROW is deeded through the Walter Green Road. There are no buildings on the property. Set a reserve price. Voted 3-0 to advertise in The Ellsworth American and the Weekly Packet for two weeks and on the website.

ASSISTANT’S STUFF: S.J. Rollins will need to wipe the hard drives of the two computers, which will take a couple of hours. Sheahan will talk with them.
Assistant will call chairman of the Public Access Committee to set up a meeting after the public hearing tomorrow evening.

CEO REPORT: Asked John Cullen of the DEP to go over erosion control application. Work starting up again on septic installations. The floats are over at the Town Dock. The engineer will work up a punch list for the dock. Harbormaster needs a big float instead of finger floats if money is available.

ADJOURN: There being no further business, moved, seconded and voted 3-0 to adjourn at 6:50 p.m.

Barbara Grindle, Assistant to the Selectmen