Selectmen”s Minutes, April 24, 2014
April 24, 2014
Opened the meeting and established a quorum present. Selectmen present: Neil Davis, Nelson Grindal, Victor Smith. Also present: Tax Collector Belinda Pert, Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Assistant Barbara Grindle, Robert Jones.
Read and approved the minutes of the last meeting.
Signed the treasurer’s warrant for $29,913.44; Snow accounted for most of the warrant – Webb Excavating’s final payment of $10,459.50, and Paul Carter’s final payment of $15,486.35, eighty four (84) liens were registered at the Registry of Deeds for a total expense of $1,653.
The tax collector reported the request for a poverty abatement. Selectmen reviewed the request and referred it to the assessing agent for possible action.
PUBLIC COMMENTS: Jones asked about the culvert at the intersection of 172 and 176 which has been partially filled in. It is nearly as dangerous as it was before they filled it.
OLD BUSINESS: Town Dock: Road Commissioner has delivered pea gravel to the town dock. Smith visited the dock with Dan Stewart, representative for the grant. The grant, when the funds are available, will be a matching grant with the town providing half of the money.
Cellar: Davis to check with treasurer to see how many boxes she will need to transfer old records to the shelves in the cellar.
Rope Ferry Road: Need to check with surveyors about GPS markings for the road. Get public access committee together to see about clearing the roadway.
Snow Contract: Discussion for next year’s contract will be ongoing.
NEW BUSINESS: Steve Brown has been in and set up the current emails for the selectmen and assistant.
One application for General Assistance and one application for concealed weapons permit.
The selectmen will be attending the aquaculture meeting in Penobscot, referencing aquaculture in the Bagaduce River.
CEO REPORT: CEO is attending a training session at Hancock Regional Planning Commission tonight. He left a written report for the selectmen. 1) assisted tax collector with the new owner of the Caterpillar Hill cell tower, 2) responded to a call about electrical damage for an insurance adjuster, 3) working with a landowner regarding property improvements, 4) checking on a property with a stream close to new construction, and 5) working with another property owner where more permits may be needed before construction can be started.
ADJOURN: Moved and seconded and voted to adjourn at 7:03 pm.
Victor Smith, Selectman