Selectmen’s Minutes, April 10, 2014



April 10, 2014


Opened the meeting at 6:10 pm and established a quorum present.  Selectmen present:  Neil Davis, Nelson Grindal, Victor Smith.  Also present David Webb, Paul Carter, Robert Jones, CEO Duane Ford, Assistant Barbara Grindle, Treasurer Cindy Reilly.


Read and approved the minutes of the last meeting.


Signed the treasurer’s warrant for $4,838.16; included was $740 for general assistance, $1,312.14 in selectmen’s wages and $350 for Pavement Management to solicit bids for tarring local roads.


Finished the appointment papers for Danny Weed and Desmond Ashman to the Appeals Board and Leslie S. Schneider for the Budget Committee.  Town clerk will contact them to be sworn in.


OLD BUSINESS:  Assistant to get the Access Committee together for reviewing the public accesses.

CCLT:  turned over to the assessing agent.


NEW BUSINESS:  David Webb and Paul Carter, snow contractors, were in to discuss the new snow contracts.  Webb would like to extend the contract for five years.  Selectmen to draw up a contract reflecting any changes.  Carter also would like to set a specified price for fuel increases in the new contract.  The present contract calls for an adjustment if the price is ‘unmanageable’.  He plans to put the next year’s sand and salt at his home, thus avoiding people loading their pickup trucks with his equipment.  There would be some salted sand at the town sand pile for homeowners to use.  Compliments on the condition of the roads since the divided contracts have been in effect.


CEO REPORT: There is a building permit for a new home on Carter Point in the Shoreland Zone that will be closely monitored.   Also, Mr. McCarthy has contacted a Bangor contractor to do some work on his home and the Bangor company would like to subcontract to a local person.


There being no further business, Davis moved and Grindal seconded to adjourn the meeting.  Voted 3-0 to adjourn the meeting at 7:35 pm.


            Victor Smith, Selectman