Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes Thursday November 21st, 2024
Town of Sedgwick
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
Thursday November 21st, 2024
- Opened the meeting and established a quorum. S. Ford, C. Pert and B. Duffy present. Also in attendance: L. Dow and J. Wetterskog. Online: R. Colburn, and A Kratz
- Reviewed and signed Treasurer’s warrant
- Read and approve minutes from 11/14- Motion and 2nd to accept as written. 3-0 approved.
No CEO Report.
- Unpaid Taxes- An updated list of delinquent taxes was provided to the board. Barry discussed sending letters to Dale Combs and Robin Colburn about the status of their taxes and asked that a letter be written advising the taxpayer to come before the board to make arrangements for clearing this up. We will continue to monitor the list.
- Budget workshop- Leslie Schneider discussed the third-party requests for funding and will coordinate getting that information from Lyndsey as it arrives in the office. She also wanted to discuss the budget process and said that the Budgett Committee hadn’t been part of the process in the past and would need to notify her so she could schedule a meeting. The Board reviewed the remainder of the warrant articles from last year and will continue to work on this in the coming months.
- Budget to work off for numbers- No numbers yet.
- Office hours for Thanksgiving week will be as follows- The Select Board will meet briefly on Tue 11/27 to sign the warrant, no Clerk Wed/Thu 11/27&28 and No Tax collector Thu/Fri 11/28&29.
Susan brought to the board the matter of Lyndsey’s insurance and how the warrant article from the Annual Town Meeting, in June was not correct and that another vote must go before the town to rectify this situation, thus scheduling a special town meeting. Along with that she and Barry mentioned that with the current resignation of the Road Commissioner and the Clerk not running again it may be a good time to make the elected positions appointed (that are allowed by law). There was some discussion of the pros and cons of doing this. David Carter had also approached the board previously about getting permission for spending (if needed) by the legislative body, should a need for special meeting arise. The board will discuss Davids needs with him. Motion and 2nd to hold a special town meeting to vote on the aforementioned items Thursday 12/12 @ 5:30pm just before the regularly scheduled meeting. 3-0 approved. A notice will be put in the paper about the date and time of the special town meeting.
Leslie made note that the posted minutes were out of date- Lyndsey will work on this.
Jerry spoke with Avery Varny of HCPC about the fees. She explained that the cost to the Hancock County Planning Commission was based on populations and for Sedgwick, basic services is $1419.00. He also asked about posting the comp plan committee meeting minutes and asked about a “page” on the website dedicated to the Comp plan for more information on that to be posted. Will work on that for him.
Motioned and 2nd to adjourn. Approved 3-0 @6:46pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Lyndsey Dow; Select Board Assistant
Approved 3-0 12/5/24