Select Board Meeting Minutes

Thursday January 16th, 2025

-Opened the meeting and established a quorum. S. Ford, C. Pert and B. Duffy present. Also, in attendance; D. Ford and L. Dow. Online: J. Wetterskog and R. Colburn
-Reviewed and signed Treasurer’s warrant
-No minutes from previous 1/09 meeting

Executive session pursuant to 1 MRS 405(6)(C)- Real Property- entered at 6:00pm and reconvened the regular meeting at 6:10pm. Colby recused himself due to family relation. Motion and 2nd to abate tax years 2024,2023 and 2022 in full for case #25-001. 2-0 approved. Abatement form signed and given to Lyndsey.

Duane took a call from R.E. Broker who wanted to know what zoning is at 556 Ridge Road. Duane visited Alder Lane to view Hirsch shorefront- almost to completion, new rock work but no permit for new 5 step granite steps to the shore. Provided them with a permit to submit. Duane sent a letter to Watershed Resource Consultants in Bar Harbor in regard to the Townsend lot at Ocean Side Drive at the shore. Phil Robinson at 318 Graytown Rd- small addition to garage/shop was measured and is about 125 ft from the shore at the Bagaduce. Needs to be 75 plus fee and is conforming now.

1. Meet with Clerk to go over duties and good to know items for transition to appointed clerk- No meeting, Cindy provided a list of items, and the Select Board will review those to begin preparing a job description for posting.
2. Comprehensive Plan Summary info for Town Report- Jerry emailed the Select Board a summary from the Comp Plan committee but had a revision. Select Board gave him until February 10th to have a final copy submitted. ** Duane wanted to recognize Jerry for his dedication and efforts to this project, the information he has put together requires a lot of time and research and Jerry has gone above and beyond to obtain the data.
3. Ad for Clerk Position- TABLED
4. Budget Workshop on First 20 articles- TABLED
5. Town Accounts- Need to approve adding Susan to the Town’s Bank accounts. Motion and 2nd to add Susan Ford; First Selectman to the Town of Sedgwick’s checking accounts at the First National Bank. 3-0 approved. Lyndsey will provide minuets to the banks to get the paperwork drawn up.

-Update on back taxes- Barry reviewed the status of the payment arrangements currently in place. Most are on track. The Carter’s on Fowler Road have been updated in trio and a payment has been made. Lyndsey had not yet drawn up a formal agreement with these folks but will do so. Brian Rankin did make his payment prior to the January 15th deadline, but no signed form returned. No payments made since October on the Gordon property. Barry thought an additional payment was made but will have to verify. Need updated mailing address for property owner.
-Colby received a call from Carol Carter stating that she had a culvert issue and tried to get ahold of Paul Carter with no success. Colby also tried to reach Paul but could not. Barry will try to get ahold of Paul in regard to the culvert and to also ask what his plan is for finishing out the reminder of the term. After this year, road commissioner will be appointed.

Motioned and 2nd to adjourn. Approved 3-0 @6:33pm