Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes October 10, 2024
Town of Sedgwick
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
Thursday October 10th, 2024
- Opened the meeting and established a quorum. S. Ford C. Pert and B. Duffy present. Also in attendance: D. Ford, L. Dow. D. Carter, D. Ross, A. Cole, an A. Kratz. From the public online: M. Herrick and R. Jones.
- Reviewed and signed Treasurer’s warrant
- Read and approve minutes from 10/3- Motion and 2nd to accept as written. 3-0 approved
- Superintendent- Sedgwick Elementary School budget & timeline- Dan Ross, Superintendent and Allen Cole, member of the School Board checked in with the Select Board about the timeline for budget. They would like as much time as possible. They asked about the possibility of moving the meeting permanently to a later month and what impact it may have on the town’s people. The Select Board recommended they petition to change the date of the town meeting if they would like to. Allen will touch base with Cindy about that process. Historically town meeting in is March, the School Board feels that a later meeting would give them more time to prepare their warrant/budget for the meeting with more accurate numbers.
- Barbara Allen Estate – Reese Jones Taxes- Melanie Herrick and Reese Jones contacted Lyndsey this week about back taxes owed on three properties. They have arranged with her to pay all three parcels in full via credit card with the Select Board’s approval. We didn’t have good mailing addresses to send bills to but those have been updated. Motion and 2nd to accept full payment for all three properties. 3-0 approved.
- Mildred Gray Property- Barry asked if there were any surviving heirs for this property that could be notified. The board discussed potential contacts.
- Gordon Tax Update- Mr. Gordon’s son was in and made a payment with Cindy.
- Rankin Tax update- Mr. Rankin was in and made his first payment with Cindy today (Thursday). Also, will be sent a poverty abatement application.
- Eaton Tax update- Mr. Eaton called to make a payment over the phone- Lyndsey asked to wait to apply any money until the assessor’s agent was in to discuss Mr. Eaton’s regarding potential acreage that he may not own.
Lyndsey will begin drafting letters for the three arrangements for payment of taxes.
- Port-o-potty at Town Landing- Walker have asked that the town keep the port-o-potty a little bit longer. Cindy has arranged for it to be picked up November 1st.
- Nine Town Memorandum of Understanding- Allan Kratz came to discuss any questions the Board may have with the Memorandum of Understanding for wildfire operations plan for Maine (9 town) notify them of a corrected typo on page 6 regarding the allocation of funds. This document laid out the plan for the resolution including wages for consulting and other team members and a list of activities that will need to be executed. Timelines were discussed. The board will have to appoint 3 members of the community to an oversite committee. This resolution was explained like the comprehensive plan and will be the gateway to receiving wildfire/fire defense grants in the future. Motion and 2nd to accept and sign. 3-0 approved.
- Office Closed- Indigenous People Day- Monday October 14th
- Open and vote on Sand Bids- The Select Board opened the two bids received. One from Adam’s Landscaping at 18.50 per cubic yard. And one from Bryan Billings at 24.00 per cubic yard. Quick discussion. Barry asked if the bid request could be extended. The ad stated that the last day was today the 10th. Colby stated that they did not have to accept either bid and that he would like to talk to Daryl about this before a decision was made. Vote tabled until next week.
Duane discussed that the planning board had their final review of Strong’s Brewing plans for their addition. No issues. There has been review of extensive permit application for 31 Shore drive. Since the property owner has nowhere to go, it has been the practice to let them do what they can where they are. The planning board will so a site walk to see if they will allow or not based on the ordinance. There has been some discussion about the Wardwell/Rankin property lines. The law says the last recorded deed is the deciding factor. Wardwell is confident that Rankin property has crossed their boundary.
Although there seem to be an increase in police presence in town, it doesn’t’ appear to be in the right area. Colby mentioned the flashing speed limit sign and recommended putting it back out in town to try to deter speeders.
Lyndsey has Advanced General Assistance training on Friday October 18th in Augusta, so the office will be closed to the public. She also noted that the lock on the back door of the office seems to be malfunctioning. Barry will check it out.
Motioned and 2nd to adjourn. Approved 3-0 @7:02pm
Respectfully Submitted,
Lyndsey Dow