Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes May 9, 2024

Town of Sedgwick

Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes

Thursday May 9, 2024


Opened the meeting and established a quorum present- S. Ford and C. Pert. Also in attendance, L. Dow; D. Ford; Superintendent, D. Ross; M. Strong and M. Sheehan.


Read approve minutes from last meeting- No meeting


CEO differed to 1 and 2 discussion/action items


CEO Report-   Various correspondence between the Larrabee’s regarding work being done to the sea wall off Carter Point Road. People are walking on the beach and owners worried about liability and safety of pedestrians. Duan and the Board agree that owners can ask people to leave the beach unless they are clamming or fowling (bird hunting). Warning tapes and signs have been placed to deter people. Duane also checked on the road repair work being done on Alder Lane, it appeared to be well done. He has received multiple calls about solar panels being installed on Covenant way.  Met with Mr. Manheimer who is working with an abutter and informed him that he needed to be in contact with the DEP about rules. Duane will be following up on the progress. Information was sent to Nichole Johnson regarding expansion of the childcare center on Caterpillar Hill.




  • Sedgwick elementary School Boiler Purchase- D. Ross, superintendent presented the problems that Sedgwick Elementary school is currently facing with its boiler systems. They are original with the building and although various repairs have been made one of the boilers needs to be replaced. He went over the quote received for the project and will be holding an emergency meeting with the School Board to discuss the process needed to access and pay for the project. The cost of the project $172,550. Between the balance forward and the surplus in reserve the money is there to complete the replacement. The School Board will approve warrant wording to add to this year’s town meeting to get legislative body approval for spending. The school will be seeking propane bids instead of oil bids as the new system will be energy efficient propane. A third boiler is used to heat the water and part of the quote received includes repairs to bring this boiler up to code. As a side note Mr. Ross spoke on the resignation of the principal at Sedgwick Elementary and asked Susan to be part of the hiring committee during the hiring process. Job description and help wanted ad has been printed in various local newspapers.
  • Mia Strong presented yearly special amusement permit application for Strong’s Brewing Company to be signed by the Board. Duane is not aware of any issues. Will submit and collect when he receives the permit.
  • Jones Back Taxes- Nancy Hatch called the office and spoke with Lyndsey, she is the executor of the Bessie Jones estate and asked for totals due on both properties owed. She mentioned that she had told that the Select Board would forgive the interest owed on the balance and she would pay the taxes. Susan motioned to forgive back interest from 2010-2023 on Harry and Bessie Jones’ accounts. 2-0 approved. Lyndsey will contact Nancy with balance. Susan will contact MMA legal regarding quit claim deed language.
  • Town Hall Basement Winterization- M. Sheehan discussed the progress of obtaining materials and the current plan for new windows, door and insulation in the basement at the Town Hall and well as the improvements to the storage room in the main office. There was a grant awarded for some of these things and Michael thinks that the quote received from Peter Woodward would not exceed the remainder of the grant funds. Susan will check on the balance of funding and check it against the quote. Susan motioned to approve the ordering of the supplies needed. 2-0 approved. Funds received from this particular grant need to be spent by August of 2024.
  • Audit Update- Susan spoke with Ron from Wadman’s who reported that he was checking to make sure that things were recorded properly and was making some progress and would call when they were ready to come to the office for the audit testing.




Suan has been in contact the with Solar company about the rebates for the FD and the school’s electricity bill. Waiting to hear back. She also called MDOT about the fuel being charged at the Sedgwick DOT location- the town’s information had been improperly entered and they will be sending along a bill.


Nothing has been done at the wharf except the float moved. Will follow up on this.




David Bailey from DHHS called to reschedule time for him to come audit 10 cases of approved General Assistance applications. He is set to be at the Town Office on Friday, June 7th. Time TBD.


ADJOURN- Motion to adjourn 2-0 approved 7:02pm


Respectfully Submitted,

Lyndsey Dow