Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes May 23, 2024

Town of Sedgwick

Selectmen’s Meeting

Thursday May 23, 2024


Opened the meeting and established a quorum. S. Ford and C. Pert present. Also in attendance, D. Ford and L. Dow. J. Wetterskog from the public.


Read and approved the minutes from the May 16th meeting. 2-0 as corrected for spelling errors.



Duane reported his discussion with Mr. Everdell at the end of Carter Point Road regarding the repairs from storm damage. DEP approved the permit for emergency shorefront stabilization for work to begin in September. He also reviewed the work being done to the sea wall on the Larrabee property, it appears to near completion with impressively adequate stonework to stabilize the shore. Duane met with David Carter and Ben Webb, caretaker and contractor for the Pressman Estate at Byard Point to view storm damage. They will be in contact with engineer Andrew McCullough and go from there. He also met with Claire Altenhofen at the Goldsby residence on Via Vacca way off Reach Road at the shore to view clean up. No special issues noticed.  Edward Kiessling of 40 Horseshoe Lane asked to have his basement plumbing inspected. Sylvia Wardwell called concerned about activity at 30 Snows Cove Road where the road is being widened. CEO went over to assess the situation. Road is being widened but nothing else at this time. Brian Carboneau, 148 Byard’s Point inquired about how quickly his new septic could be inspected once its completed. Michelle Gray called inquiring about the status of the new Solar Farm off Dan’s Lane. She was informed that it has been online since December 2023. Duane received a call from a man named Jones about what kind of land use regulation would apply to the land recently purchased from Bessie Jones, off the Ridge Road. Nicole Johnson was back with the same request for the town to sign off for Golden Sun Childcare. Once again, she was told she needed to meet and be approved by the Planning Board.



  1. Liquor License application for The Lobster Lady Restaurant and Takeout- Diana Santospago would like to acquire a liquor license to serve beer and wine. The board set a hearing date for June 6th at 7pm following the regular meeting to review the application and approve it.
  2. Town Report Update- Susan made a copy and is going through to proofread, update and find out from Barbara what photo would be used for the cover.
  3. Audit Update- Ron from Wadman’s office will be at the office next Thursday, May 30th to finalize the prep needed to finish up.



  1. Barbara’s computer needs replacing. Compusult has quoted $1,418.00 including labor to replace. This money will have to be approved at town meeting and installed or billed for installation after the turn of the fiscal year.
  2. Floats have been put in. There is a big hole in the tar leading up to the dock, there is a cone for caution. Paul Carter will fix, and has filled in the large holes on Carter Point Rd.
  3. Wanda Astbury has given up cleaning the Fire Departments and the Town Office but will continue to do the Town House. David Carter asked Lyndsey if she would be interested in do the FD’s, and she agreed and offered to do the Town Office as well. SB approved her taking over all three locations.
  4. Leslie Schnieder and Paul Trowbridge would like to attend the next meeting to discuss school budget items with the Superintendent.



  1. Lyndsey spoke with Matt Caldwell, from RJD regarding the date of setting the Mil rate for the 2024/25 tax commitment. He said that if the spring work is completed by the 28th of June, then they certainly could have the workshop that day. Otherwise, July 9th would be the workshop date and for the vote to take place at the July 11th Selectmen’s meeting. Lyndsey offered to work with Duane to pull all of the files needed to complete the spring work.
  2. Lyndsey notified the board of 3 bounced checks for vehicle registrations and a boat registration. These are outstanding and many attempts to get replacement checks have been made. After 10 days from the first letter being sent to notify of NSF, we are required to contact BMV legal services for them to take action. She sent copies of NSF, registration and correspondence to the State, and it is out of our hands at this point.


No Public Comment



Moved and second to adjourn. 2-0 approved 6:32pm



Respectfully Submitted,

Lyndsey Dow


approved 2-0 6/7/2024