Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes May 16th

Town of Sedgwick

Selectmen’s Meeting

Thursday May 16, 2024


Opened the meeting and established a quorum. S. Ford and C. Pert present. Also in attendance: D. Ford and L. Dow. J. Wetterskog from the public.

Read and approved minutes from the May 9th meeting. 2-0 as amended/corrected.


Duane has been keeping an eye on the work being done on the seawall at the end of Carter Point. Ryan Larrabee is doing great work. Twyla Tardif of N. Sedgwick Road called about getting a DOT road entrance permit for an old trail to the Shore. Soil evaluator: Bill LaBelle came out and told her that he had been there before and Smith at DOT turned down the plan the first time, and she Bill left.  Tardif would like to use the three original deed descriptions and propose a subdivision. The Planning board needs to review the old descriptions. The Planning board meeting went well. However, Nicole Johnson of Sunflower Daycare on Caterpillar Hill did not appear, Duane had spoken to one of her helpers the day before. Also, some of the planning board members spoke out about their desire to get training from the state. So far, Donna Beninati has taken the MMA online course, and that connection needs to be made available for the other members. They will need information and support to be conformable going forward. The Town Landing appears to be functional, and some work has been started. Duane has been reviewing apparent work that has begun for trench plumbing around town. Lastly, he went to Ocean Shore and other locations to check the status of storm damaged areas.



  1. Consolidated Communications Taxes- Lyndsey has been in correspondence with a representative from Consolidated Communications regarding their Real estate and personal property taxes. It appears that a check was received from them in January of 2023 and cashed but never applied to their prospective accounts. Lyndsey recommended reversing the liens and charging any interest only through the original date that the check was received. Colby motioned to allow Lyndsey to do what needed to be done to remedy the situation. 2-0 approved
  2. Town Report Update- Barbra was in and would be back to continue work on the report. Must be finished and sent to the printer no later than June 3rd.
  3. Audit Report Update- Received a call from Ron at Wadman’s office and our audit is showing a $14k overage. He is hoping to be able to complete the testing to tie the receipts to the bank deposits and will call later to schedule a time for the office visit to wrap up the audit.



Alan Kratz came to discuss grant funding/process and stated that he had spoken to his contact at the state who said that once the contract has bene signed the funds are released immediately and did confirm that our contract was signed, and a check should have been mailed in early February for $50,000.00. To date, Cindy has not received these funds. Alan would be in touch with his contact about the status of the funds according to their records. He also described the work that had been completed at the school and discussed paying invoices against the grant monies received. Susan will keep in contact with Alan regarding the status of funds etc.

Susan reported having received the article wording for the Sedgwick Elementary school’s boiler replacement to add to the school’s budget warrant for the June meeting.

Susan also reported large holes on the shoulder of Carter Point Road and various sink holes around town. Colby will ask Paul Carter to check on this.

Barbara’s computer is in need of replacement. Susan has asked Compusult to price out a new one. This will come out of office equipment.

Lyndsey spoke with Matt Caldwell of RJD and it’s that time again to start thinking about setting the mil rate for the 24/25 tax commitment. He will be here on June 28th and then again on July 9th. Both members agreed to either of those days for a workshop and asked Lyndsey to confirm a time with Matt.



2-0 approved to adjourn at 6:39pm



Respectfully Submitted,

Lyndsey Dow