Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes June 27th, 2024

Town of Sedgwick

Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes

Thursday June 27thth, 2024


Opened the meeting and established a quorum. S. Ford C. Pert and B. Duffy present. Also in attendance: D. Ford and L. Dow. From the public: J. Wetterskog and R. Colburn.


Read and approve minutes from the June 20th meeting- Motion and second to accept as written, 3-0 approved.


Reviewed and signed the treasurer warrant.


Liquor License hearings for Roaring Lion and Strongs Brewing at 7:00pm



Duane spoke with Shawn Carter about possibly needing a permit for work being done at 18 Silvermine (Stone Turtle?) he went over but could not get all the way down there, will try again soon. Duane replied to a request from Molly Schiot about interest in a regular toilet at the Village Library. He let her know that there was not enough site area but would be glad to meet and discuss in person. Sommer Anderson called about the protocol for a sign next to the road for their business. He referred her to M.D.O.T. She also let Duane know that M.E. Astbury was about to put in a septic system across the road. He told her that the contractor would deal with the permitting. Duane went to the site and met with the plumber, Rob Cunningham and viewed an old, deep, covered septic disposal of some kind close to the shore. He informed him that temporarily it would be okay, but that a new septic system will need to be installed ultimately. Also looked at another shorefront building and made the same assessment for new septic install there. The plumber for 232 Byard Point Road left interior plumbing permit at the Town Office for Tanya Prime’s residence. Duane spoke with Richard Kane about a French drain on Rope Ferry rd. Went out there and inspect the potential work area, all appeared okay. Lastly, attorney James Driscoll emailed explaining that he was trying to arrange conversation regarding Black Pond.



  1. Elect Chair- Motion and Second to elect Susan Ford as Selectboard Chair. Discussion- Colby recognized Susan for a job well done. 3-0 approved.
  2. Town Meeting/Election Recap- Election went well 30 votes for Barry Duffy, he was sworn in the morning of the open meeting. Town Meeting went smoothly, lots of discussion on school budget articles.
  3. Wadman’s Accounting Letter- James Wadman’s office sent over a letter in anticipation of the 23/24 audit preparation. The staff has been given the list of items needed for preparation.
  4. Paving Contracts for Paul Carter-Paul received the contracts but noticed a mistake, so he is reviewing and going to contact the paving company. Will review at a later date.
  5. Budgetary Module in Trio/account setup- Trio (Harris Local Government) our accounting program vendor called to begin the steps to implement the Budgetary module so that is in process currently.



Next week’s meeting falls on the 4th of July. The board will meet briefly on Tuesday July 2nd at 6:00pmto sign the warrant and discuss anything that may come up.



Lyndsey discussed her ideas for the new fulltime schedule. The board asked her to think about it and get back to them with a finalized schedule. Colby recommended offering 40 hours of sick leave, with anything over and above being a dock in pay. No vote or action taken at this time.



Motioned and 2nd to adjourn. Approved 3-0 at 6:38pm


Approved 3-0 on 7/11/24

Respectfully Submitted,

Lyndsey Dow