Town of Sedgwick
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
Thursday July 18th, 2024

Opened the meeting and established a quorum. S. Ford C. Pert and B. Duffy present. Also in attendance: D. Ford and L. Dow. From the public: J. Levine, R. Colburn and J. Wetterskog

Read and approve minutes from the July 11th meeting- Motion and second to accept as written, 3-0 approved.

Reviewed and signed the treasurer warrant.


Duane gave a brief update about his dealings with the town’s people and other agencies. He received correspondence from attorney Driscoll with a check, part of the settlement agreement regarding the Peasley ordeal. When he called Rudman/Winchell to inquire about the check he was told it was for attorney fees. He also received a document that asked for a CEO signature to which he deferred to the Selectmen as he thought it would be more appropriate for them to review and sign. Duane has not been pleased with the town’s legal representation during this process and not convinced this should be the final agreement. Will report back on this matter later. Duane received an email from Jordan Parker from D.E.P about a violation at 57 Ocean Shore Drive by the Townsend lots and would follow up on that. Gary Allen of Ridge Road called in a complaint that someone was stealing his gravel. Referred him to the Sheriff’s department. Riley Getto called on behalf of Drew Eaton about obtaining a building notification form and plumbing permit for septic on Byard’s Point Road. Jessica Sayers of Maine D.E.P Bangor called to discuss 57 Ocean Side Drive. Staff will be visiting the site soon to assess the situation. Duane will put up a general a stop work order in the meantime.

1. Jeff Levine – Comprehensive Plan progress update- Jeff outlined the progress made on the comprehensive plan. Jeff along with other members of the committee have worked extensively putting together the information gathered from the surveys along with other pieces of information that make up the comp plan. The comprehensive plan is intended for towns to use as a ‘guidebook’ for future plans. There is a lot of time and research that goes into completing the comp plan. Once the draft is finished there will be an informational hearing before it is submitted to the state for approval. If the State approves it, it will then go back for legislative body.
2. Mil Rate and warrant discussion- After approving the mil rate last week, there was a question about other revenues and if we would be able to use anything else to help lower the mil rate. Because the of the wording of the snowplowing article all of the money (285,000.00) would need to be raised instead of 205,000.00 being raised and the $80,000.00 coming from surplus which would help lower the tax rate. However the town will be receiving money from the Solar farm, and the board asked if that money could be used to offset taxes. Cindy will call MMA legal to see. Susan asked Lyndsey to hold of on tax commitment until we hear back.
3. Barbara Grindle return discussion- Barbara was in last week and discussed coming in and working for an hour or so. There was a brief discussion last fall about cutting back hours and a rate of pay for 20 hours a week. Barbara had taken leave at the end of March and told the staff she would not be returning. The budget voted on in June 2024 did not include paying Barbara and as discussed at open town meeting Lyndsey’s position as tax collector would be combined with the Selectmen’s assistant at full time. Lyndsey’s position would assume all of the duties that Barbara one had, including General Assistance, Concealed Weapons Permits and continuing to attend and take minutes for the weekly Selectmen meetings as well as filing and sorting of documents. The town also approved implementing budgetary in TRIO which would alleviate the need for paper disbursements. Leaving no additional work to be done, aside from no budget for it. Motion and 2nd to notify Barbara of the aforementioned discussion. 3-0 approved. Susan will speak to Barbara.
4. Tax Acquired Properties- Lyndsey has received multiple phone calls about a couple of properties in town that have been automatically foreclosed and people are either trying to sell land or making profit from renting the properties. She did brief the Board on the lien process and subsequently the foreclosure process and reminded them of the discussion she had with MMA legal services. They recommended taking inventory of the properties have foreclosed as its automatic and get with our assessor’s agent about a plan going forward. They also recommended that she stop placing liens on properties that have automatically foreclosed, as the fee to file is money the town won’t get back. Colby asked Lyndsey to triple check the lien process.

1. Peter Waugh submitted a permit to retrieve water from Walker Pond, the same as last year.
2.Donna Beninati stepped down effective immediately from her position on both the planning board and the comprehensive plan committee, for personal reasons. The board thanked Donna for all of her hard work and noted that her spot would be hard to fill, but that they would begin to look for a replacement.

Lyndsey has been asked by a couple of business’ in town if Sedgwick would ever consider the next level of agent status which is Truck Level. This would allow Lyndsey to register vehicles over 100,000 pounds. Colby asked if she thought she would have time to do this. To which she replied that the only thing she isn’t doing for these folks is issuing a plate for a new one and charging a state fee for renewals. Motion and 2nd to approve Lyndsey to request and agent increase with Bureau of motor vehicle contingent on their process. 3-0 approved.

Motioned and 2nd to adjourn. Approved 3-0 at 7:11pm

Respectfully Submitted,

Lyndsey Dow

Approved 3-0 on 7/25/24