Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes August 8th 2024

Town of Sedgwick

Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes

Thursday August 8th, 2024


  • Opened the meeting and established a quorum. S. Ford, C. Pery and B. Duffy present. Also in attendance: D. Ford and L. Dow. Jeremy Eaton and James Wood, Christopher Lydon, Jerry Wetterskog and Pam Spencer from the public.
  • Reviewed and signed Treasurer’s warrant
  • Read and approve minutes form the July 25th – Motion and 2nd to approve as written. 3-0 approved.
  • Read and approve minutes from August 1st — Motion and 2nd to approve as written. 2-0 approved. Pert abstained due to absence at last meeting.


CEO Report deferred to action items—



Duane spoke with Drew Eaton regarding the construction of his new house. He has provided the town will all the necessary documents. Quin Martin has put together a shoreland zoning permit application and we are awaiting the check for this. Property owner Domingo on Franks Flat called about a building notification permit – planning is slow going on this project, but we will look for the form and the fee. Duane received the final settlement from Rudman & Winchell regarding the Black Pond debacle. He has given the check to Cindy to deposit.



  1. James Wood Taxes- Jame Wood came before the board to ask to pay off the balance of the taxes and to have the property quit claimed back over to him. Motion and 2nd to accept past due taxes in the amount of $3,769.53. 3-0 approved. Cindy provided a quit claim to be signed, and she will take to the registry to file.
  2. Christopher Lydon discussion- Christopher Lydon asked to discuss a few items with the Selectmen regarding speeding on Main Street, the Blueberry Barren’s development and climate resilience. Susan took the opportunity to inform Mr. Lydon about the projects and grant applications/awards that the Town of Sedgwick has been doing over the last few years. He was delighted to hear. They discussed various items including the progress on the comprehensive plan. Mr. Lydon is part of the Sedgwick Library and offered to help the town put together some sort of informational session in the future. Regarding the speeding in town- the Board is aware and there have been multiple attempts made to reduce speeding ie. Speed signs etc. There is no police presence in Sedgwick, and it is difficult and costly to contract the Sheriff department for any length of time. There has been much discussion on the potential development of the Blueberry Barrens in Blue Hill. Mr. Lydon asked the Selectboard their thoughts. The Selectboard has no input on the matter at this time.
  3. Copier- Circling back to the discussion of the copier. Lyndsey provided the board with two estimates for a new xerox copier through Transco. One option was black and white and one color. This would replace the current copier (outdated and company no longer making parts for) 5-year lease to own. Lyndsey recommended going with the color option. Motion and 2nd to approve the ordering of the lease to own color copier through Transco. 3-0 approved. Lyndsey will contact the sales rep with Transco and get the contracts and order forms sent over to Susan for signing.
  4. TRIO Training- Training for the newly implemented budgetary module. Trainers will be at the office on Wednesday 8/14 @ 10:30am

to begin that training. There is still information to be built into budgetary to get it up and running. Susan has asked Cindy to provide that info.

  1. Library Association/Historical Society Town Hall use- The Library Association and Historical society have asked the town to use the Town House for an event on August 22nd. Susan is waiting for their liability insurance. Motion and 2nd to approve. 3-0 approved.



Lyndsey was awarded the increase in agent level from New Level to Truck Level with a mandatory probationary period of 6 month. This will allow the Town of Sedgwick to process new registration and renewals for commercial vehicles up to 100,000 pounds. She is awaiting the extra materials from the State to be able to do this.



Jerry asked about the progress on the basement winterization. Peter Woodward’s crew has just finished the last of the spray foam insulation. The windows and door have been replaced (as well as the door in main office to the storage closet) and the bulkhead door replaced. Jerry also asked the board if they would be interest in being a part of a new survey from the state regarding the possibility of a mileage tax. The board asked Jerry if he would be willing to look into this for us and report back. He agreed.



Motioned and 2nd to adjourn. Approved 2-0 at 6:55pm



Respectfully Submitted,

Lyndsey Dow

Approved 3-0 8/15/2024