Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes April 18, 2024

Town of Sedgwick

Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes

Thursday April 18, 2024


Opened the meeting and established a quorum. S. Ford and C. Pert present. Also, in attendance; D. Ford and L. Dow. J. Wetterskog from the public.

Read and approve minutes from April 11th meeting- 2-0 approved as written.

Reviewed and signed Treasurer’s Warrant.


Duane met with the Harbor Master and the Harbor Committee regarding the town dock- The Committee will get materials needed at either Viking or Hammond Lumber, whichever has a better deal. There are a few properties that have had ongoing issues. Duane will begin drafting letters to head warning of enforcement of procedures per ordinances going forward. An abutter of Snow’s cove property has sent notice of lawsuit- Town Attorney will explain the situation. State LPO has asked Duane to keep him informed. A resident of Brooklin who reported seeing the paving on Stumpy Cove, has reported it to the DEP- has not hear back yet. Duane will include these property owners in his mailing. Twila Tardif reported a neighbor having an outhouse/camp close to the water- nothing filed with the town. The storms have been washing some of the structures into the ocean. Will keep updated on this matter. Duane went to Rope Ferry to discuss with the property owner the tree situation. The Black Pond Property- Town Attorney has an idea for settlement. Board agrees that a thorough decision should be made once a 3rd board member has been elected. Will report back.



  1. Audit Report- Documentation not yet delivered to auditor- should be by the beginning of next week.
  2. Susan on behalf of the board would like to thank Reggie Gray for cleaning out the storage at the Town House.
  3. Report of large hold on Ferry Landing- Colby will ask Daryl Astbury to take a look and do the work.



  1. Colby did not attend the meeting in Penobscot- he feels that the Town of Sedgwick should wait- as work is currently being done at the landfill in Hampden.
  2. Colby confirmed with Duane the ideal setback from the shoreland for new construction. Would like to propose an increase from 75ft to 100ft. Might consider the change be put on the June ballot.



Tax Liens will be filed with the registry by the 23rd of April.






Motion and 2nd to adjourn- 2-0 approved at 6:45PM.


Respectfully Submitted,

Lyndsey Dow