Selectmen’s Meeting, May 23, 2013
May 23, 2013
Selectmen present: Neil Davis, Nelson Grindal, Victor Smith
Also present: CEO Duane Ford, Tax Collector Belinda Pert, Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Assistant Barbara Grindle
1) Read and approved the minutes from last week.
2) Signed the treasurer’s warrant for $1,862.15; electric light bills for the streetlights, fire stations, town house and town office accounted for most of this warrant.
3) The fee schedule for moorings and dingys will be sent to the Brooklin selectmen. Sedgwick has been authorized to charge for anyone using the Sedgwick dock. The Harbor Committee is in the process of setting the regulations and fees for the harbor. You must register your boat in Sedgwick to get a dingy and a mooring permit.
4) CEO Ford reported that Attorney Parkinson still advises us to go into arbitration on the Patten/4 Winds case. DEP must be involved, and support the town in its efforts to settle this case.
5) CEO will check on and follow through with the tower on Caterpillar Hill. Inspection needs to be done and paperwork caught up for the parent company.
6) Davis will contact Attorney Parkinson and encourage him to settle the Patten case.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:10 pm.
Victor Smith, 3rd Selectman