Selectmen’s Meeting, May 14, 2020



May 14, 2020


Opened the meeting and established a quorum present.  Selectmen present:  Ben Astbury (by phone: Bob Publicover, Michael Sheahan).  Also present:  Assistant Barbara Grindle (by phone: Fire Chief David Carter, Jerry Wetterskog, Sarah Pebworth, Andy Bowes).


There being no errors or omissions roll call voted to accept the minutes as written.


Reviewed and signed the treasurer’s warrant for $75,090.23;  school $63,541.73, fire protection $5,752.65, administration $1,810.61, sludge $450, town dock $1,360.22, fees $171, clearing/mv $1,665.50, m/v overpay $91.59, m/v excise $89.66.


CEO REPORT:  Town attorney preparing a memo of understanding for the selectmen to review in regard to a Carter Point property issue.


FIRE CHIEF UPDATE:  Going ahead with essential testing, met Monday and checked out essential gear, been pretty quiet.  There will be a parade for GSA spring sports teams on Saturday, May 16 at 2 p.m. and the department will be participating.


DISCUSSION ITEMS:   Portable privy-Salt Pond – Wait until at least June 11 to see if Governor Mills lifts the ban.  A privy can be an invitation to spread germs but few people are using the access at this time.

School budget –Received an email from Superintendent Elkington; the school board has voted to reduce about $80,000 from the school budget; this change will need to go to the public to be approved as they have already approved the budget presented at Town Meeting.  More guidance is needed from the governor.  Selectmen appreciate the good guidance given by the Superintendent and the School Board.

Tax Collector computer update – The new computer is installed and up and running.  Compusult is working on the possible updating of Microsoft 19 on the tax collector’s computer.  Selectmen thanked Wetterskog for his invaluable assistance with the computer systems and upgrades.

Hales Hill citizen concerms – (Falls Bridge closure) – Citizen is concerned about potential

damage to the road and bridge.  Road Commissioner Carter and Brooklin Commissioner Allen agree that the road is able to hold up under the extra traffic during the closure.  They are not in favor of a weight limit on the road and DOT agrees with them.  If there are any changes or safety concerns, the issue will be revisited.

FLAG POLE at Town Office will be replaced with a cedar pole from Lucius Bridges, who promised it will be ready for Memorial Day.  The top of the old pole was rotten and not fixable.

TRIO demonstration scheduled for the first week of June.


ACTION ITEMS:  Town house and town office mowing –  Kim Allen will not be mowing this year, but Ed Pert is willing to help.  Roll call vote unanimous to hire Ed Pert to mow the town house and the town office lawns.


ASSISTANT’S REPORT:  Flags will be distributed to associations to be set out on veteran’s graves this weekend.


PUBLIC COMMENTS:  Pebworth asked about the Walker Pond Landing Committee meeting held just before the selectmen’s meeting.  Sheahan summarized the minutes for her.  She commented on the importance of keeping communication going during this time.

Bowes commended the efforts of the board to bring the office up to date.


ADJOURN:  There being no further business, moved, seconded, roll call vote to adjourn the meeting at 6:39 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Grindle, Assistant