Selectmen’s Meeting, March 4, 2021



March 4, 2021


Opened the meeting and established a quorum present.  Selectmen present:  Ben Astbury (by phone Bob Publicover, Michael Sheahan).  Also present:  Assistant Barbara Grindle (by phone CEO Duane Ford, Jerry Wetterskog, Jeffrey Roth, Donna Beninati, Kate Thompson).


There being no errors or omissions in the records of the last meeting, moved, seconded and roll call voted 2-0 (Astbury absent last meeting) to accept them as written.


Reviewed and signed the treasurer’s warrant for $118,060.83:  education $88,337.49, administration salaries $7,066.69; administration misc. $1,490.96; fees $323.55; clearing h/f $136, an welfare $43, i/f $776, m/v $1,834; snow $15,796.59, town office $52.50; fire protection $666.67, general assistance $1,537.38.


CEO REPORT:  Possible septic leakage at site of Robert Gray’s tanks, will check it out; potential buyer on Carter Point property has questions, also on Frank’s Flat; paperwork for Bagaduce River deck and walkway, need DEP Permit by Rule for steps, there is reconstruction on a Carter Point dock, a landowner on Walker Pond is looking to put some spare money in a commercial venture on Caterpillar Hill Road.


DISCUSSION ITEMS:  1)  Municipal Funding – Regional Projects – Beninati mentioned the Brooksville warrant article establishing an account to go into the BCC.  Selectmen agreed that the money that is not spent on the research for the 3-town transfer station could possibly be rolled over into a regional work project of any kind.  It is not a continuing account but could make one for regional projects.

She reported that the Tuesday meeting was well attended with about 10 people, and asked if it would be possible to get formal information from technical people.  Publicover moved to give BCC permission to start conversations with people to help with current and future broadband projects and to communicate with other selectmen and town managers for the purpose of working together.  All three selectmen agreed.  Wetterskog and Publicover have provided informative handouts to be available at the town election and for posting on the website.

2)  Election 3/5 – Election of town officers at the North Sedgwick Fire Station from 1 p.m.- 6 p.m.

3) Budget Review – workshop- Worked on the budget for 2021-2022.  Meeting with the Budget Committee next week.

4)  Any Unresolved Business – Sheahan – discussion for next week.

Astbury – attended GSA meeting.  Brooksville and Penobscot supported the tuition increase at their town meetings this week.


ACTION ITEMS:  Signed the papers for the DOT work being done, mostly on Rt. 15, this summer.


ADJOURN:  There being no further business, moved, seconded and roll call voted 3-0 to adjourn the meeting at 7:26 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Grindle, Assistant