Selectmen’s Meeting March 13, 2014



March 13, 2014

            Opened the meeting at 6 pm and established that there was a quorum.  Selectmen present:  Neil Davis, Nelson Grindal, Victor Smith.  Also present:  Dennis Desilvey, CEO Duane Ford, Robert Jones,  Assistant Barbara Grindle.

            Read and approved the minutes of the last meeting.

            Signed the treasurer’s warrant for $11,288.03;  Town office repair $278, Roads $1406, ballot clerks for the annual town meeting $265.

            OLD BUSINESS:  Haskell Electric was in and installed the 2 emergency lights and changed the 2 plugs that needed to be GFI.

            Town Dock:  Desilvey needs the prices for the letter of intent for the grant.  Grindal will get him the figures.

            Tax Reassessment:  Ask the agents about changes made in the cards.  Davis to check some of the individual cards.

            Retirement party:  Party went well and retirees were honored for their years of service to the Planning Board:  David Webb for 43 years, Sylvia Wardwell for 28 years, Palmer Little for 16 years and Jim Wood for 12 years. 

            No NEW BUSINESS

            CEO REPORT:  He has been contacted by the new owner of the Bunting property, Mr. Buckley.  They have a new plan and a new forester, CEO to contact local forest warden to see if he wants to check the plans. 

            There being no further business, the motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting.  The meeting was adjourned at 7:55.

                                    Victor Smith, 3rd Selectman