Selectmen’s Meeting, June 16, 2011



June 16, 2011


Selectmen present:  Neil Davis, Colby Pert, Victor Smith


Also present:  Tax Collector Belinda Pert, Assistant Barbara Grindle, Aaron Grindal


1)         Minutes of the last meeting read and accepted.


2)         Signed the treasurer’s warrant for $12,720.54;    $3211. for another survey of the Walker Pond Road, and  $6676. for work on the Carter Point Road.


3)         Discussion with contractor Grindal on the status of the Town Office ceilings.  It may be better to replace the whole ceiling in the Selectmen’s office than to patch it.  The other side is not as badly damaged.


4)         Smith will get updates on the Forestry Management Plan for the Walker Pond property.  There are only two planners in the state that are qualified to do the work.


5)         A letter was sent to the Island Institute and the Maine Rural Partners giving permission to transfer funds and responsibility for the Peninsula Power project from the Island Institute to the Maine Rural Partners at the request of Efficiency Maine, the granting organization.


5)         There were more complaints on the Spofford wind tower located at the bottom of Caterpillar Hill.  The Code Enforcement Officer is handling the enforcement of the ordinance.


6)         Dr Wilgram was in with ideas for changing the plans of the Walker Pond beach.  This is not possible since the state has approved the plans and no changes are allowed without going through the whole approval process again.  He suggested stopping the picnic area 75 feet back from the water to save money.  Access to the beach would not be possible for swimmers.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:15 pm.


                        Victor Smith, 3rd Selectman