Selectmen’s Meeting, June 11, 2015



June 11, 2015


            Opened the meeting and established a quorum present.  Selectmen present:  Ben Astbury, Neil Davis, Nelson Grindal.  Also present:  Road Commissioner/Snow Contractor  Paul Carter, Snow Contractor David Webb, CEO Duane Ford, Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Gardner Schneider, Glenith Gray, Robert Jones, Palmer Little, Victor Smith, Kelly Mitchell, Dylan Howard, Assistant Barbara Grindle.


            Read and approved 3-0, the minutes of the last meeting.


            Reviewed and signed the treasurer’s warrant for $149,993.82.  School costs were $142,582.61; lien costs, including postage, registration and fees, $2,241.70; fire department expenses $1,361.31, and office equipment repair $180.


            Tax collector/clerk/treasurer concerns:  Addressed the issues on the treasurer’s note.  We need at least 3 smoke alarms for the office rooms.


            Public business:  Schneider asked about the water and soil issues in town; CEO answered that the Hancock Co. Planning Commission keeps updated and that they have just had a seminar on the subject. DEP regulates through the NURPA board.


OLD BUSINESS:  Voted 3-0 to add all items of public interest to the website.

            Discussed the snow contract with Webb and Carter.  Webb proposed a 5% increase yearly to the contracts.  This would raise the 2015-16 price to $97,240 each for a total of $194,480.  Selectmen agreed to discuss the issue.  Webb would like a 4-year contract, Carter prefers a year-to-year contract.

            Gray would like to discuss issues regarding her daughter’s subdivision taxes.  Referred to the assessing agent for timing of the dissolution of the subdivision and an abatement.  Moved, seconded and voted 3-0 to refer to agent.

Howard and Mitchell asked for a planning board member to recuse himself in the issue of CHI.  They also wanted to clarify with the town about what they consider ‘miscommunications’ at the Planning Board meeting Tuesday evening.

Little was also in to talk about the CHI permits.


NEW BUSINESS:  Assistant will contact the tax collector applicants to set up interviews next week.

            Assistant discussed salt bid revision, Blue Hill Chamber request, and involvement in the CRC (Community Resource Committee) programs. 

            Discussed a request by an applicant for general assistance.  More information is needed.


CEO REPORT:  Discussed the landfill renewal.  Woodward has been working on the road and haying and seeding has been started.  Things are looking good so far, but will not be signed off until approved by the state agencies. 

            Also is looking into building notification forms.


ADJOURN:  There being no further business, the motion was made, seconded and voted 3-0 to adjourn at 8:35 pm.


                                                Ben Astbury, Selectman