Selectmen’s Meeting, February 28, 2019

February 28, 2019

Opened the meeting and declared a quorum present. Selectmen present: Ben Astbury, Bob Publicover, Michael Sheahan. Also present: Fire Chief David Carter, Animal Control Officer Allen Van Reisjen and Mrs Van Reisjen, Clerk/treasurer Cindy Reilly, CEO Frank Tracy, Assistant Barbara Grindle.

Entered into an executive session to discuss a personnel matter at 5:50 p.m. Returned from executive session at 6:17 p.m. No further action was taken.

Read and approved the minutes of the last meeting with one phrasing change. Moved, seconded and voted 3-0 to approve the minutes with the change.

Reviewed and signed the treasurer’s warrant for $10,236.09; fire $221.50, fees $73, motor vehicle clearing $827.50, snow $1,530.19 for salt, animal control $158.80, general assistance $318.93 and administration $7,106.17 of which $5,651.50 was for auditing, $1,183.53 was for printing the town report books.

NEW BUSINESS: Astbury checked on the demolition of the Benjamin River Bridge. They have been making good progress, trucks are coming and going constantly.
Will have an open session to discuss a letter from an employee next meeting.
Went over the warrant for town meeting. Sheahan will make the motion to be seconded and then discussion, if any, will follow.
Animal Control Officer suggested a change to animal control. The Trenton SPCA is less expensive, he says, than the Small Animal Clinic, and the animal could be adopted quicker if necessary. He has purchased some animal kennels, has the town’s tax exempt form for future use. Selectmen approved using the SPCA when appropriate.

OLD BUSINESS: Agenda policy: Auditors have recommendations for the timely collection and receipting of money to the treasurer. Will discuss next week with tax collector.
In response to an email from Brooklin selectboard, will work on the “trash disposal exploration committee” next week.

CEO REPORT: Attended a training session last week. No written report this week, but was here Friday to see about an erosion issue. Spent some time on the Shoreland Zoning Ordinance to become more familiar with it. May suggest some changes in the future.

ADJOURN: There being no further business, moved, seconded and voted 3-0 to adjourn the meeting at 8:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Grindle, Assistant