Selectmen’s Meeting, February 20, 2014



February 20, 2014


Opened the meeting and established a quorum.  Present were selectmen Neil Davis and Victor Smith.  Also present was Treasurer Cindy Reilly, Robert Jones and Assistant Barbara Grindle.


Read and approved the minutes of the February 6 meeting.  There was no meeting on February 13 because of the weather.


Signed the treasurer’s warrants for February 13 and February 20.  February 13’s warrant was for $2,099.29 with $250 for Steve Brown’s computer services and $332.88 to Snow’s Plumbing for installing the new toilet.  The February 20 warrant totaling $187,290.94 included school expenses of $179,281.73, road salt $1916.19, and fire department expenses of $2,395.70.


Signed the warrant for town meeting, the notice for April 1 included in the town report and a quit claim deed for the treasurer. 


The town report is in the hands of the printer and will be available before town meeting on March 7 and 8. 


New Business included making plans for a retirement party for retiring Planning Board member Sylvia Wardwell, and retired Planning Board members David Webb, Jim Wood, and Palmer Little.

            Signed a permission slip for the power company to use posted roads in emergency situations and power outages.

            Also tabled until next week a discussion on setting up a fuel fund for the townspeople.


CEO was at a meeting in Deer Isle, so no report was given.


            There being no further business, Smith made a motion to adjourn and Davis seconded it.  Adjourned at 7:05 pm.


                                    Victor Smith, 3rd Selectman