Selectmen’s Meeting, (Draft Minutes) October 22, 2020
October 22, 2020
Opened the meeting and declared a quorum present. Selectmen present: Ben Astbury, (by phone Bob Publicover, Michael Sheahan). Also present: CEO Duane Ford, Assistant Barbara Grindle, (by phone Jeffrey Roth, Jerry Wetterskog).
The date for the school’s COVID Relief funds to be spent was December 30 instead of December 6. With this amendment, moved, seconded and roll call voted 3-0 to approve the minutes as changed.
Reviewed and signed the treasurer’s warrant for $3,121.23; property tax overpay $65.09, fees $152, m/v clearing $2,316.74, administration $11.62, fire protection $218.62, streetlights $91.39, town house $13.98, town office $71.79, sludge $180.
CEO REPORT: Questions regarding setback amounts from the road for a new building; Mariners Pub being cleaned; power pole and driveway permits for a resident; Carter Point owners are getting ready for the next Planning Board meeting; real estate prices going up and property being sold faster than last year; Black’s Pond owner applying for a new structure for next year; keeping track of new work for the assessors to visit in the spring.
DISCUSSION ITEMS: 1) Office re-openingt discussion – continued: possibility of on-line appointment program. Still have the square foot restrictions to comply with. Sheahan asked if the web site would be able to include space for the program, he will check with the webmaster.
2) Walker Pond incident: On October 10,vandalism was reported at the Walker Pond storage building. The door was removed from its hinges and missing was the weedwacker, tools and gas cans. The breakin has been reported to the sheriff’s department and the insurance company and the door has been reinstalled.
3) Conference Call discussion: We are at a point where we need to improve our conference call situation. Astbury has researched systems and has one with 4 remote microphones that can be placed around the room. For meetings at the fire station especially, this would be a distinct advantage. The system is $314.95 with free shipping; the finances could probably come from COVID moneys because of the need of teleconferencing meetings.
4) Any Unresolved Business: Astbury will check with the town attorney regarding the shoreland zoning problem on Carter Point.
Dividing the fall work, checking the breakers and light at the sand pit, removing the screens at the town house, signing a junkyard permit, the original for the Harbor Ordinance changes.
The committee of the sending towns to GSA, to be made up of 1 selectman, 1 school board member, or a designee from each town, will start meeting early in November.
ACTION ITEMS: Conference Call purchase?: Decided to purchase the system with remote microphones for $314.95 and free delivery. Roll call vote 3-0 to purchase the Vtech VC5-704 conference phone package.
ASSISTANT’S REPORT: Tree Growth report is here. Some parcels need to be checked with the assessing agent when he comes. Report to be in to the state November 13.
PUBLIC COMMENTS: Wetterskog thought that the conference call purchase would be an excellent idea. If he can help in any way, he would be happy to do so.
ADJOURN: There being no further business, moved, seconded and roll call voted 3-0 to adjourn the meeting at 7:02 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Grindle, Assistant