Selectmen’s Meeting, December 13, 2018

December 13, 2018

Opened the meeting and established a quorum present. Selectmen present: Ben Astbury, Bob Publicover, Michael Sheahan. Also present: Clerk/treasurer Cindy Reilly, Assistant Barbara Grindle.

There being no errors in the minutes of the last meeting, moved, seconded and voted 3-0 to accept them as written.

Reviewed and signed the treasurer’s warrant for $76,943.91; school expenses $67.026.46, motor vehicle clearing $1,835.75, Walker Pond $125, sludge $360, Fire department expenses $4,515.16, town office $291.93, administration $1,180.43, general assistance $1,559.25.

NEW BUSINESS: Discussed the upcoming budget figures. Transfer station estimate may be same as last year at the moment. Will attend the next meeting of the transfer committee.
Will ask the assessing agent to check files and determine a supplemental tax amount on a property that had been a mystery. The owner has been found and will be paying taxes on it.
Will go in to executive session to discuss a legal situation next week.

OLD BUSINESS: The beaver are still at Walker Pond, waiting for the trapper to get to them.
The auditors are working on the audit, hope to be done in time for selectmen to look over before inserting in town report.
Moved, seconded and voted 3-0 to sign the letter for GWI.
Internal policy for fire department members that serve on more than one department reviewed by MMA. More information is needed before a policy is written.

ASSISTANT’S STUFF: Delivered a head’s up on a possible general assistance case.

CEO REPORT: CEO is attending a class this evening.

ADJOURN: There being no further business, moved, seconded and voted 3-0 to adjourn the meeting at 7:57 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Grindle, Assistant