Selectmen’s Meeting, August 1, 2019

August 1, 2019

Opened the meeting and declared a quorum present. Selectmen present: Ben Astbury, Michael Sheahan.
Also present: John and Cynthia Fitzgerald, Ed Pert, Clerk/treasurer Cindy Reilly, tax collector Elizabeth Gray, CEO/LPI Frank Tracy, Barbara Grindle, Assistant.

Amended the wording in the minutes of the last meeting. Moved, seconded, and voted 2-0 to approve the amended minutes.

Reviewed and signed the treasurer’s warrant for $19,291.66; clearing for motor vehicles, inland fisheries, hunting fishing, animal welfare $3,953.05, salaries $8,400.03, taxes $667.03, fees $319.40, Walker Pond Access $747.21, sludge $1,080, other administration $4,121.94.

CEO REPORT: Driveway going into a shoreland zone area, discussion and decision that it does not need to go to the Planning Board, CEO will permit it. Fitzgerald’s in to meet the selectmen and to let them know that they are working with DOT on their property on Bear Head Road. Via Vacca is asking about a small path from one side of the property to the other. CEO/LPI will not be here Thursday, 8/8, will be in the office on Friday 8/9.

DISCUSSION ITEMS: Road Commissioner will take care of vegetation on the triangle by Old Steamboat Road.
Nothing heard from S.J. Rollins regarding TRIO conversion.
Sheahan reported the abandoned streetlight on Carter Point to Emera for removal.
Set the mill rate at 0.013180% for a projected overlay of $19,963.10 for 2019-2020 taxes. Will help fold and stuff tax bills Friday so they can go out Monday 8/5.
Received resignation letter from Zoe Tenney from the Budget Committee. Moved, seconded and voted 2-0 to accept her resignation with regret. She has done a remarkable job for the town. Thank you, Zoe.
Astbury will take care of having the old dump and the town office field mowed.

ADJOURN: There being no further business, moved, seconded and voted to adjourn the meeting at 7:42 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Grindle, Assistant