Selectmen’s Meeting, April 30, 2020



April 30, 2020


Opened the meeting and established a quorum present.  Selectmen present:  Ben Astbury (by phone Bob Publicover, Michael Sheahan).  Others present:  CEO Duane Ford, Assistant Barbara Grindle (by phone Jerry Wetterskog, Chief David Carter).


Read the minutes of the last meeting and corrected the spelling of a word.  Roll call vote –  approved the minutes as amended.


Reviewed and signed the treasurer’s warrant for $65,330.32; education $63,043.89, property tax overpay $117.35, clearing:M/V $867, fees $106, fire protection $395, town office $655, town house $65, administration $81.08.


CEO REPORT:  need clarification of location of a cell tower due to get an addition, we have no building condemned in the No. Sedgwick area, if necessary complainant to contact the health officer, there is no building code in Sedgwick, checking plumbing permits and keeping an eye on building permits, one project is in progress but is not anticipated to be commercial by the owners, if changed will need to go to the planning board; project issued stop work order will be negotiated as a legal issue, selectmen will consult with the town attorney.


FIRE CHIEF UPDATE:  The pump on #2 engine has been rebuilt.  Doing well with the calls and following the 6’ distancing.  Participated in the Sedgwick School staff’s parade today (4/30).  Monday night will do equipment and air-pack checks to make sure equipment is working properly.


DISCUSSION ITEMS:  1) Covid-19 long term logistics – status quo extended through May 31.  There is concern about being able to keep the 6-foot distancing and masks.

2) Budget Outlook – Line item/revenue comparisons w/FY 2019 – comparison shows income down 28% in February, 8% in March, and April is only down by $116.  Hopefully upward trend will continue, but need to keep checking for forecasting ahead.  School board hopes to drop their budget about $80,000, will meet in two weeks on May 11 at 4:30 in a virtual meeting to go over it.

3) Tax collector computer update – TRIO is waiting for a date to do a demonstration, Wetterskog will reach out to Compusult regarding the necessity of a conversion to SQL.

4) Webinar logistics for 5/28- Webinar from Maine Municipal Association is scheduled for May 28.  It has not been posted yet, but will monitor to register and attend.




ASSISTANT’S REPORT:  GA update – Reviewed the new general assistance regulations sent by the state to be used during the pandemic.  Left papers for Sheahan and Publicover to read.




ADJOURN:  No further business to be done. Roll call vote unanimous to adjourn at 7:00 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Grindle, Assistant