Selectmen’s Meeting, April 23, 2020



April 23, 2020


Opened the meeting and declared a quorum present.  Selectmen present:  Ben Astbury, (by phone) Bob Publicover, Michael Sheahan.  Also present:  CEO Duane Ford, Assistant Barbara Grindle, (by phone) Jerry Wetterskog, Sarah Pebworth, Anne Berleant.


After changing a word in the minutes of the last meeting, moved, seconded and roll call voted to accept the minutes as adjusted.


Reviewed and signed the treasurer’s warrant for $6,382.62; clearing/mv $1,882.75, fees, $110, administration $2,643.60, sludge $60, fire protection $1,250.16, town house 18.88, streetlights $107.77, town office $309.46.


CEO REPORT:  Planning Board signatures need better planning when signing permits, etc.  CEO traveling to each member for signatures.    Served a stop work order on a project and now following it up, a ‘spite fence’ issue is being resolved between the property owners.  Busy with plumbing, building, etc. paperwork and just keeping busy.


DISCUSSION ITEMS:  Ad for ACO position –  decided to give acting ACO a chance to see if she might be interested in full time position.  Will revisit later.

Walker Pond Landing – An incident last week with a dog damaging a vehicle resulted in the damage being buffed out, the bill being divided between the two towns and a decision that employees not bring their dogs to the Landing.  Will ask the harbormaster to set the rafts and floats at Walker Pond before he gets too busy at the Town Landing.  Committee meeting the second Thursday of the month.

COVID-19 Long-term logistics – Thinking about ideas of what will happen if the situation lasts for a long time.  Waiting and thinking of ideas that might be needed.  Probably should watch state and federal parks and recreational areas to see what they are doing in regard to opening Walker Pond to the public.

Budget outlook – Line item/revenue comparisons w/FY 2019 – MMA course on the website on April 28 at 2 p.m. for about 1 ½ hours.  Would be a big help; signing up via email.  Told tax collector to plan on regular time schedule for committing taxes and date due. Approval at town meeting means that any change would have to be changed at another special town meeting.  Asked Pebworth if there was any way that we could find out where Sedgwick is in the unemployment situation.  She will check to see.

Sheahan will attempt to reschedule a TRIO demonstration, probably should wait for tax collector’s new computer to set everything up at one time.  No date for the computer yet.

Ulbrich sent the draft letter to confirm MCHT and the town’s commitment to the Snow Cove project.

Notice from DOT that there will be work done on the Deer Isle-Sedgwick bridge.


ACTION ITEMS:  S.J. Rollins bill – Clerk/treasurer will handle the situation as she orders the work and pays the bills.  Cancelled the backup effective May 1.




ADJOURN:  There being no further business, Moved, seconded and unanimous roll call vote for adjournment at 6:45 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Grindle, Assistant