Selectmen’s Meeting, April 1, 2021

April 1, 2021

Opened the meeting and established a quorum present. Selectmen present: Ben Astbury, Michael Sheahan (by phone Bob Publicover). Also present: Assistant Barbara Grindle, (by phone CEO Duane Ford, Rose Honders, Christine diPretoro, Jeffrey Roth).

There being no errors or omissions in the records of the last meeting, moved, seconded, roll call voted 3-0 to accept them as written.

Reviewed and signed the treasurer’s warrant for $79,933.66: RCC $705.64, school $65,961.27, sludge $120, clearing m/v $2,792.06, i/f $1,362.56, h/f $101, a/c $32, fees $375, fire protection $666.67, administration (salaries and taxes $8,1924.46.

CEO REPORT: Bid packages are in the hands of the selectmen, will be sent as soon as approved; cellular upgrade needs a building notification form (BNF), McFarland foundation work does not; removing a mobile home and replacing it with another also needs a BNF. Following up on debris being thrown over the bank on Carter Point and some inside plumbing on a home in Castine River Estates (none seems to have been done); questioning a roof structure on a building. Planning Board meeting Tuesday 4/13.

DISCUSSION ITEMS: 1) Discussion with Director Rose Honders from At Home: At Home is now a part of Downeast Community Partners and are serving three clients in Sedgwick in their home visit program. Sent a packet to the office with all programs listed and described. Everyone qualifies for their services. Will be available to set up a table with information at the vaccination clinic at the Ridge Road Fire Station on April 21.
2) Town Dock – bank stabilization bid packet discussion/review: Selectmen will take packet home and review it. Discussion next week.
3) Town Meeting Format/Discussion: Selectmen would like to have an open meeting. The GSA tuition will be a referendum item, possibly for a vote on Friday, June 4 with the business meeting in the school gym on Saturday, June 5. Will check time for public hearing and posting the warrant with clerk.
4) Any Unresolved Business: Budget Committee and administrative budget next week; Walker Pond Landing Committee’s first summer meeting next week; hope to have a regional selectboard meeting soon; Broadband Communication Committee meeting.

ACTION ITEMS: 1) Town Meeting Format vote: Will discuss dates with town clerk and finalize plans next week.

ASSISTANT’S REPORT: Town report nearly done, waiting for budget for warrant articles, looking for ideas for book cover. Publicover will send photos of town dock for possible use.

PUBLIC COMMENTS: DiPretoro asked about Feb. 11 minutes, question about why the non-taxable properties are not in the commitment book. Also mentioned that the GSA financial figures are still not transparent to the public, and what are the selectmen going to recommend? Astbury: conversations are continuing, some discussions are not ready to go public yet, but progress is being made

ADJOURN: There being no further business, moved, seconded and roll call voted to adjourn the meeting at 7:01 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Grindle, Assistant